Chapter Eleven: Sozin's Comet, Avatar Gyawa

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It wasn't long, before I saw the war ships approaching. I was standing on one of the tall rocks in this field waiting on Ozai.

As soon as he began to hit the ground with massive waves of fire, a dread hit my stomach. "It's time for you to go Momo." I looked up at my friend with his green eyes, he flew away leaving it to me against Ozai.

My heart was beating hard out of nerves, I didn't know if I could pull this off.

Before on earth I would get nervous at finals or if I made it in the team but if I lost I would die maybe for real. And if I went back to earth it would be just as bad.

Ozai got closer and closer with fire I could feel from were I stood. I took a deep breath before throwing rocks at his war ship's engine.

It went down and Ozai flew up using fire bending. He landed on a rock not to far from me, burning his shirt off.

"After generations of Fire Lords failed to find you, now the universe delivers you to me as an act of providence." His crazed voice was loud enough for me to hear him clearly, as he grinned at me like he had already won.

"You can't see what side of the page you're on, Ozai, this is not the providence you want." I gritted through my teeth, with my whole body ready to attack.

"No, it is you who are on the wrong side of the page! You believe in goodness, I believe in power!" Ozai snarled, before throwing a huge massive fire blast at me.

I used fire to fly up, since it was the strongest at the moment that was what I was going to use. I sent a whole rock slide after him, he flew up and kicked more flames.

I blocked it like a reflex, he blocked my fire like a habit.

Even if the Fire he shot at me was as hot as a furnace I felt chills rise up my spin, truth was I was afraid of him. I kicked a fire ball before jumping to a rock and punched air at him.

Meanwhile the fleet was continuing with the plan, however I had to focus. He jumped in the air and shot out a huge blast, I slide down the rock before turning to see he was following.

He blasted at me as I formed earth all around myself to block. I then sent it straight at him. He jumped up and kicked more fire.

As he continued I used air to brake it but he kept at it and I was sent to the wall. I growled in pain before looking up to see Ozai grinning away.

I sent boulders at him, although he blasted through all of them, this guy's form was literally perfect.

I kicked a spinning fire blast, he jumped up and completely dodged it. Before I could act again he formed kicking and I had to run for dear life.

I jumped through rock after rock as he followed throwing lighting at me. I stopped to face him turning and ready to redirect it.

Groaning from the constant pain, I felt overwhelming like I couldn't hold it. Then I was ready to shoot it back at Ozai, he had a stunned face knowing what I could do, but I couldn't.

I slightly moved my arms and letting it go it flew in the empty sky. I immediately regretted it as he shot a huge fire blast at me. Still recovering from the lightning I wasn't fast enough to properly block it and found myself falling.

I used fire bending to fly myself back up, ready to strike at Ozai who had a fire ball in hand.

Only when I blocked the fire ball it still hit me and I had to form a wall around myself. I found myself in an earth ball hiding from Ozai.

"You're weak!! Just like the rest of your people. They did not deserve to exist in this world. In my world! Prepare to join them, prepare to die!" He yelled as he shot massive powerful fire at the earth, I closed my eyes, sitting in a hot furnace, this was a bad idea.

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