Slave No. 5

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Yugi was in tears by the time he was brought before the Pharaoh. He cowered in fear as the Pharaoh grunted his approval and the several guards lead the line of slaves out of the throne room. Yugi didn't try to fight back as they were lead down a long hallway.

"Slaves 1 through 6! You will be working in the kitchen under Ushio, our chef." The guard barked violently and Yugi timidly stepped forward with 5 others.

Unlike the others, Yugi has heard of Ushio. Yugi trembled in fear as they were lead into the kitchens. All 6 listened to the lecture on safety and food prep before they rushed to start their newly found jobs.

After a few months, only Yugi and another boy that originally came in were left. Ushio was exceptionally cruel and had driven the others to commit suicide by burning themselves in the ovens when the others were asleep. Yugi scrubbed the pans beside the other boy, who was called Malik.

Malik has sandy coloured hair that spiked out and tanned Egyptian skin. He wore a paler piece of material around his waist with a hairnet as well as an apron. He had clear scars littering his arms and back from the amount of times Ushio had gotten angry and made him be whipped for the slightest mistake.

Yugi had midnight black, gravity defying hair that stood in a three point star with amethyst tips and golden yellow bangs that frame his baby like face and amethyst eyes. He wore a white piece of material that wrapped around his waist as well as a thin white top to cover a majority of his scars.

The doors flew open to reveal Prince Yami to the two boys who quickly knelt on the stone cold floor. He sighed and asked for Ushio and the two boys exchanged glances.

"H-He isn't in today. H-He cannot be around food until Friday, Your Highness." Yugi stuttered and Malik was shaking beside him.

"Can you two manage a simple meal of fruit?" Prince Yami requested and they both nodded vigorously. "Then make a platter and bring it to my chamber." He demands, pointing mainly at Yugi.

"Yes, your highness." Yugi and Malik chorus and then set to work on making him a platter of fruit.

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