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It's been a few months and Yugi is back to being by Yami's side once more. Yami had kept Yugi as his personal servant due to him being able to stay protected more until he could marry him. 

Yugi was currently folding up clothes as Yami gently hugs him from behind, clearly having missed him. Yugi smiles and relaxes back into him and then turns and gently hugs him. 

"You've been away for so long..." Yami whines and keeps Yugi close to him. "Now you can make up for it." He tells him as he gently tugs him towards the bed.


It's been a few weeks and Yami has been arguing more with his brother about's dark outside and I get up and stand at the window, not wanting to cause an issue and I sigh quietly and pull a dark cape around me that was in the slave room and I hide myself in it and slip out of the castle, using the darkness as a perfect cover for my small, frail form. 

//I'm sorry...but I can't risk myself over you two arguing and threatening me between yourselves...//

In the pitch darkness, I navigate myself to where the charred, ruined remains of a once-proud house now reside and I sigh, looking at the burnt and destroyed wood that used to form the door as I carefully make my way inside and look around the house, at the torn and charred rug, the kitchen covered in black soot and the oven...

The ovens usually slick black surface was partially melted, caving in on itself as multiple shelves were also close to collapsing entirely. The oven...thats what started this mess...I slowly go to it and force the oven door open, revealing a small basket in it, also burnt and a blanket inside which was mysteriously untouched. 

I pull it out and clutch the blanket close to me and quietly cry myself into an uncomfortable slumber. 

Next Morning. 

Yami slowly rose from his peaceful dream, then panicked when he didn't feel Yugi's soft hair tickling his nose, or his scent filling him with utmost happiness. He jumped out of bed and searched the room, leaving no stone unturned before realising the hard truth...Yugi had run away. 

He instantly sent out a search party, hoping they could find him...but somehow he just knew that they would struggle or just fail. 

3 hours later

Guards ran in, dragging Yugi with them and Yugi seemed panicked and he was fighting back with strength Yami never knew the boy possessed. 

"We found him, Pharaoh," The guard announces and Yugi goes silent and stops fighting. "He's been fighting us all the way back, one of the guards was seriously injured." The guard informs Yami. 

"Take him to my chambers and tie him down to the bed," Yami ordered, sounding angry and the guard pulled Yugi away to follow the orders. 

Yami started walking to his rooms when Atem stopped him and they spoke seriously about Atems slave. Atem thought he was being too aggressive with him and that he needed to be put back into place. Yami told him whatever and then went to his room. 

Yugi was tied down to Yamis bed and he looked scared as Yami came in. 

"P-Plea-" Yugi started to talk but soon silenced when Yami came closer and wasn't listening. 

"Why did you go?" He asks and Yugi looks up at him and attempts to get a little more comfortable. "Where did you go?!" He snaps and Yugi tenses a little. 

"I-I went t-to my o-old family home..." Yugi admitted fearfully and was shaking and the interrogation lasted for 5 hours. 

Yami finally calmed down and untied Yugi, who curled up and started to cry. Yami sighed and left him to calm down. 

Yami made his way to Atems room where he was in for a surprise. 

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