chapter one

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you're sitting at the front desk of your summer job, listening to the radio and hearing the weather man blab on and on about record heat. It's June in Boulder, Colorado, and your life couldn't get any better. Parties every weekend of the summer, and plenty of good friends to spend them with. Finally the commercial break is over and classic rock begins blaring through the speakers. You pick up your new box of records from the back room and begin to sort them into the record holders in the store.

You hear the door jingle and think nothing of it, you turn around and say "welcome in" over your shoulder. A deep voice says "ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but we're trying to find our apartments and it seems we're a little lost."

You turn around to see a gorgeous boy, long caramel locks flowing in every which way. He smiles, and you return it. "Of course!" You say, and walk over to the boy. he's tall, towering at least a couple inches over you. He hands you the address and you immediately recognize it. "Oh, that's my complex. I could show you, i'm actually about to close up shop right now." You look at your watch and it reads 5:25 pm. "Great, yeah that would be amazing. Thank you" he says, relieved.

"I'll be right back just let me grab my purse." You say while grabbing the box of records that'll have to wait till tomorrow. you come out a couple seconds later to see him browsing through the records. "Ready?" You say and startle him a bit. "Yep!" He says and follows you out the door.

You walk out to a U-Haul with three other boys sitting inside. "I walked here, so we could just all take the truck if you'd like" you offer and he nods his head and opens the door for you. "I found help!!!" Nameless boy yells to his companions as he hops in the drivers seat. One of them speaks. "Sammy, you really just found us a random girl?" He has curly hair, almost like an Afro. It suits him though. His name is sammy, you think to yourself and try to cram the name into your brain. "She's not a random girl, she's very nice. she lives where we live and she just got off work. be nicer josh." Sammy says with a hint of playfulness to his voice. He starts the truck and you begin giving directions.

"Your apartment is on the left!" You say as you hop out of the truck and make your way around to sammy. "By the way, my name is (y/n) and I live right there" you point to your humble abode. "Good to know (y/n)! Thank you for giving us directions, by the way, let me introduce all of us. This one" he points to the curly headed boy "is josh. he's the oldest by seven minutes." "Hello there" josh says. You wave "Then this is" he points to one in a leather jacket that didn't say very much at all the whole way there. he has long hair too, just like sammy. "Is Jake. He's josh's twin." Jake gives you a wave. "Then the only one who's not a brother. Danny boy." He points to the tallest and most muscular one of them all, with long black hair and some crazy weird necklaces on. you dig it though. "Hi there" he says and shakes your hand. firm... you think to yourself.

You smile and say your goodbyes to them then make your way up the stairs to your apartment. you immediately crash on the bed and fall right asleep.

summer lovin' | kiszka brothersWhere stories live. Discover now