chapter five

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you wake up the next morning with a light headache and a super horrible feeling hanging over you. You remember the call from Payton. The fight. Shit. I can't believe that even happened. You call Payton right away.

She picks up "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Can you just tell me what he did last night after I left?" You say reluctantly into the phone. "Well, you know Cheyenne right...?" "Yeah, was it her?" You ask. "Yep. They fucked I think. He took her home. Or at least they left in a car together. Jake seemed pissed off and left like right after you. Josh is with me and Danny left early because he had a family call." She says, updating you. "Oh nice. What a piece of shit. I can't believe he could just do that to me" You say. "Hey, screw him okay? He was just drunk and wanted to fuck someone. You know Cheyenne always seems to take a guy home every party." "Yeah that's true. Whatever, I'll get over it. Thanks for the intel, love ya." You say. "love you too girl. you'll be fine." She says and then hangs up the phone.

It's only 12pm and you go into work at 1. you sit around for a little while and then start to get ready, not really caring how you look. you walk out the door and head to work.

Once you get there, you play anything but Muddy Waters. The Doors come on which puts you in a better mood. You begin to sort records and sing along to their song Moonlight Drive.

Your shift is almost over and instead of going home you go out to eat by yourself, you decide that the little sushi place down the street sounds good. You sit down in the booth and order.

In the middle of your meal, Lyssa walks in. "Hey!! How're you doing dear?? I heard about what happened last night I'm so sorry babe!!" She says to you as soon as she spots you eating alone. "I'm fine, your party was amazing lyss. I hope you had fun! And it's fine, seriously. Me and him are done" You say with a soft smile. "Well good! Now I get my party animal back!!! You were starting to become a party pooper with that stupid boy holding you down. You should never let one of those stupid things keep you from having fun." She says as she sits down. "Here have some" you offer her the plate "it's your favorite." She takes a slice and continues her rant about how stupid boys are.


It's about 8pm and you just got home. you immediately put on a record, Aretha Franklin. You start your summer reading and sit in bed for a while on your phone. You see that Sammy deleted all your posts except for one, your first date pictures. what a dickhead, you think to yourself.

You're almost asleep when a soft knock sounds at your door. You open it to see Jake standing there, a box of your stuff in hand. "Sammy is too stubborn to come give this to you, so I thought I would do it." He says and you open the door to let him in. "That's fine. Just leave it on the couch. I'll get his stuff together, just give me a minute." You say and start to rummage through your closet and drawers.

You come back into the living room with clothes and his beloved Muddy Waters record. "Here's everything." You say with a sigh. "Hey, listen" Jake says softly. "I'm sorry. I know my brother is too much of an asshole to apologize to you in person, so I'm saying it. You don't deserve to be treated that way. He's a piece of crap and I've let him know that every day since you two broke up." He says. "Thank you, Jake. You don't really say much but when you do it's always so wise. That tough exterior isn't really tough on the inside, huh?" You say with a smile playing on your lips. "Hey now, I can beat some ass if I need to. I'm not completely soft." He says, faking his offense. You laugh.


Another day, another party. You get extra hot this time, knowing that Sammy will be there. You want him to regret ever saying anything to you. Also, Jake will be there too, and you can tell he's developing a crush on you. Your past few interactions with Jake have been quite awkward.

You arrive to the party and greet Lyssa and Payton. You grab a drink and come to sit with them. They're talking about some gossip, but you don't really tune in. You're searching for Sammy to see if he'd really show his face. Sure enough, he did. He sees you and starts to make his way over. You turn around quickly and start to engage in Payton and Lyssa's conversation.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around to see Sammy standing there. Before either of you can get a word out, Lyssa speaks. "Begone, thot! My girl is having fun without YOU!! Don't even try to talk to her, she doesn't love you no more!" You laugh and Sammy interjects. "Lyssa. Just let me talk to her" he says. "Lyssa it's fine I can handle myself" You say and get up to follow Sammy to the outskirts of the party.

"Listen. I'm sorry. I miss you. I know I shouldn't have said those things to you." He says with desperation in his eyes. You almost want to take him back but remember what he said to you. "No. Sammy I'm over you. I'm happy being single. I'm just fine without you. I'm sorry, but you need to move on." You say to him and turn on your heels. He grabs your wrist tight and spins you back around. "(y/n) Please." He begs. "No, Sam. Now let me go, you're hurting me" You say looking down at the arm he's still gripping. "No, I'm not fucking letting you go that easily" he spits. "Just let me go Sam!" You yell at him and suddenly Jake is by your side.

"Fucking let her go. NOW" he says to his brother. Sam drops your arm and clenches his fists. "I swear to god Jake just leave it the fuck alone!" Sam says immediately. "No! What did I fucking tell you, shithead? I told you to NOT talk to her. I told you to fucking MOVE ON!! Fuck Sam! She doesn't want you anymore!" He spits, his anger rising by the second. "Back the fuck off" He says again. Sam doesn't say a word and storms off. Jake pulls at your arm to look at what Sam did. Just a red mark, no bruise. "I swear to god if this bruises I'm going to beat his ass" Jake says and looks you over. "Are you okay? You look great still, just go have fun and forget about him, okay?" He says and hugs you. "Thank you Jake. And yes, I'm fine." You say and walk back over to Lyssa and Payton who are both giving you looks. "What?" You say as you sit down. "He's totally into you." They both say at the same time and then laugh. You laugh with them.

{ (A/N) HEYYY HOW YOU LIKIN THIS ONE BITCHES??? I'm trying to pump out the chapters as fast as I can because I know waiting for fanfics are hard as hell!! Hope you enjoy! }

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