chapter eight

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you woke up in Jake's t-shirt in the huge master bed and finally remembered where you were. and what happened last night. Jake was nowhere in sight and you could hear noises coming from the kitchen. you rolled out of bed and followed the noise.

"Dude, you guys weren't supposed to come so fucking early. your phone call woke me up" you heard Jake say as you rounded the corner.

And standing there was Sammy. He turned to look at you, and his jaw dropped. "Are you fucking kidding me" he said to Jake. "What?" You said "why is he here Jake" "because they were all supposed to come later today but dumbass decided to come at the asscrack of dawn instead of NOON like I told everyone else!" Jake spit. "How about let's talk about why she's wearing nothing but your shirt and the fact that she was sleeping in the same bed as you" Sammy said even louder. "I'm fucking dating her, Sam. I have been for a while now." Jake said. "OH so that's why you got her naked right?" Sam said. "You know, it's really fucked up to say no to me and then go fuck my brother" "well maybe if you didn't try to force her into it she would have let you, dumbass" Jake muttered under his breath. "Dude, fuck you. I'm going home. By the way, my dick is bigger" Sammy said to you and then walked out the door.

Once Sam had made his exit you started to laugh. Jake laughed with you as you played what he said over and over in your mind. "My dick is bigger, WHO SAYS THAT???" You say and laugh some more. "I don't know, my brother is fucking weird" he said and giggled. "His dick isn't bigger" he said after a minute. "I know" you say and smirk. He pulls you in to kiss you and grabs your butt as he does. "You look bitchin' in my shirt though" he says and twirls you around. You giggle and say "let's start breakfast and we can eat outside. It's only 7?" "Yeah, lets do that" he says and begins to get the ingredients out.


As you're both laying in bed after breakfast and watching tv, he turns down the volume. "So I was thinking" he says and you sit up to face him. "I applied for College here" he says and you grin "and?????" "I got in" he says with a big smile. "YES BABY THATS AMAZING" You yell and jump on top of him and cover his face in kisses.

The boys had moved down here for the summer with the intentions of staying, but decided they'd rather go home. They broke the news to you last week and you were heartbroken to see them leave. You couldn't believe Jake would have to leave you, but now he didn't have to.

"I say we celebrate" Jake says and gets up out of bed. "Like how?" You ask. "A fucking party. That's how." He says with a grin.

You call Lyssa to tell her to invite EVERYONE and you send her the address.

Jake asks if you wanna come with him to go get party games and you say of course. You two ride back into town and find a shop that has ping pong balls, some cups and a few other games. Josh is going to pick up all the booze, so you don't have to worry about that. you remind Jake to tell josh to also pick up firewood so you can build a huge bonfire. You get inflatables for the pool and check out.

You and Jake walk out of the shop and begin to put the bags into whatever compartment they'll fit in on Jake's motorcycle. You finally get it to fit and ride back to the cabin. You leave the gate open so that you don't have to come back down to open it when the party starts.

You get into the door and Jake goes to grab the pump to blow up the floaties you got. You air them up as Jake pulls out a table for beer pong. he also sets up corn hole in the backyard and you throw the floats into the pool one by one.

Josh arrives with the keg and all the other drinks and you help carry everything in. "Oooooh the rum is fucking mine don't even think about it" Jake says. "I figured you'd drink almost all of it before the party even begins so I bought two of them. That bottle is yours." Josh says with confidence. "Fuck yeah. Thanks bro" Jake says. You begin to set up the cups and put the drinks that need to be refrigerated in the fridge when you look at the time. Shit. 45 mins till it starts.

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