chapter six

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You awoke to a call from Danny. You picked up. "Hel-" he cuts you off immediately and says "please come help me. Jake and Sammy got in a fight. They need to go to the Emergency Room. Sam is bleeding and holding his arm. I think he broke it. I don't know where josh is. I don't have my license." "Okay I'm coming" You say and hang up the phone. You run out of your apartment sliding on a pair of sandals not even caring how you look. You check the time 4:20am. Keys in hand, danny is coming out the door. He throws them to you as you start the car he puts sammy in the front seat and jake in the back. Sammy groans as he looks at you. "Hold on guys" You say as you begin to drive to the ER.


It's been an hour since you arrived, and Sammy is still back there. Jake had an eye injury and had to be put under anesthesia to make the puffiness go down. Danny explained to you that apparently they started punching each other because Jake was tired of Sammy treating me like a side hoe, saying that he loved me and then going off with other girls. You're now walking into Jake's room by yourself to talk to him. The nurse told you he's awake but is still acting kinda funny. He grins when he sees you. "Hello beautiful. Oh fuck. I didn't say that" you laugh. "Hi Jake." You say. He grins even more when he hears your laugh. It's cute. "I'm probably not supposed to tell you this but the reason I fought Sammy was because I told him I could treat you better and he got mad. Then he punched me and I couldn't be a pussy so I punched him back because he's a little bony ass bitch. They said he hurt his shoulder because I knocked him into the fucking dresser" he laughs at that. you smile. "Jake that's not okay" "but it is because he deserved it because you're too pretty to be treated like that" he muttered. you sat down on his bed and looked at his eye. It was almost normal looking except for the discoloration. "Man, he punched you pretty hard, huh?" You say as you turn his face towards yours to get a better look. "Yeah.. it's okay though" he says. "I'm sorry Jake. You shouldn't have had to punch him to get him to realize that."  "I'm sleepy. Will you come lay with me? It's scary in here." He says. "Yes. I will. Let me turn off the lights." You say as you scoot off to go find the light switch. You flick them off and then climb in with him as he holds up the covers. you lay your head on his chest as he wraps his arm around you. You hear his breathing slow as he drifts off to sleep. And soon enough, you do too.


You wake to the nurse on the other side of Jake checking his eye. "Ow" He says softly, trying not to wake you. "Is that okay?" The nurse asks and he nods his head. You move to sit up and he turns to look at you. "Ah, the princess is awake, I don't have to whisper anymore." He says with a grin. "Oh shut up" you say as you stretch your arms. You lay back down and face him so that you can talk to him. "How are you feeling" You ask. "Better. It still hurts but it feels better" he says groggily. You check the time to see it's noon already and say "I have to go to work in an hour but I'll call you after my shift to see if you're still here. If you're not, you can come over and I'll make you some soup." "Alright, have a good time beautiful" he says and winks at you with his good eye. You giggle and collect your things "goodbye gimpy" you say and he calls back "you're getting payback for that one!!"


You make it to your apartment to put yourself together again as lyssa texts you the address to another party tonight. You text back you can't go, that you're taking care of Jake.

You arrive at work right on time and begin to unload the new record boxes as you put on The Rolling Stones. You work and sing, as the door jingles you say the usual "welcome in!" Over your shoulder. A girls voice behind you says "I was hoping you could help me find a record. Muddy Waters." You turn to see Cheyenne, the girl Sammy has been fucking around with. "Yeah of course, it should be in this stack if we have any." You say with no emotion, and turn back to your work. "Alright I'm ready to check out" She says with 3 different Muddy Waters records in hand. "Big Fan?" You ask, already knowing why she's buying them but playing stupid. "No actually it's for Sammy's birthday. These are his presents." She says with a bitchy grin on her face. "Oh well, enjoy your day" you say as you hand her the bag and her change. "Thanks, I'll be enjoying Sammy later tonight as well" she says and turns her back and walks out the door. Little does she know he already has all three of those records, so she'll be coming back sooner or later to return them. You continue to work, not letting her phase your happy mood. You're cooking for Jake tonight, and it'll be great.


You call Jake right as you're walking into the supermarket to pick up the supplies for home made chicken noodle soup. He picks up on the first ring. "Hey, I just got out and got situated at home, if that's why you were calling" you smile. "Yeah, I'm stopping at the store right now to get the ingredients and then I'll be home" you say "alright call me when you get there" He says before saying bye and hanging up the phone.


Jake is now sitting in bed with you with your soup in his lap. You turned on some Netflix movie he wanted to watch but now you paused it because he'd rather just talk to you.

"You know what?" He blurts "when my eye gets better we're riding my motorcycle up in the mountains and that's gonna be our first date" "I'm okay with that" you say. "Good. I'm glad you are because if you weren't I'd look like a complete dumbass right now" He says and you giggle. "You're so cute" you say softly. "What?" He says "I didn't quite hear you could you say it louder" he says with a grin. "I said you're cute!!" You yell. "Oh that's better I just wanted to make sure." He says scooting closer to you.

you look at him and he looks at you and he leans in to you, your faces inches apart. Then he takes his spoon and slurps the broth. Right in your face. He laughs at the face you make. "You thought I was gonna kiss you!" He laughs more as you sit there embarrassed. "I'm kidding. I am gonna kiss you I was just messing with you" He says and leans in to connect his lips to yours. They taste like the broth. You smile as you hear him set down the bowl and pull you even closer to him so that every inch of your bodies are touching. "That's better" He says leaning in to kiss you once again.

You probably kiss for hours on end as the night goes on and your lips are now numb, but who cares, you're kissing the boy you never thought you'd be with, the one who always acted like he never really liked anyone and always kept his guard up.

he looks at you with sleepy eyes and yawns while asking "can we sleep now?" You nod your head and he switches off the bedside lamp. This will be your second night sleeping next to Jake Kiszka. A very very addicting thing for sure. You drift off to sleep while nuzzled in his chest.


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