chapter nine

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you walk down the hall to the main part of the party and go to the fridge to get a drink. You begin to dance and find lyssa and Payton in the crowd. "Hey!!" You say and they look surprised to see you. "What are you doing here???? I thought you were with Jake?????" Payton says with concern in her eyes. "No, I was talking to Sammy, I figured Jake would be around here somewhere." You say beginning to look for him. "(y/n). we need to go outside right now." Lyssa says and pulls you by your arm. When you get outside you realize why.

Jake is sitting with a girl. She's talking to him, laughing, sitting very close. too close. "That's why" lyssa says when you lock eyes on her. "Who is she" You say to lyssa while trying to keep an eye on them. "She's Jake's ex. Her name is Jita. She's from Michigan. Where they're originally from. Apparently she found out he was staying and wanted to know why so she just... came.... here? What the fuck" Lyssa says, realizing how weird that is. "So he's talking to his fucking ex girlfriend" you say. "Amazing." "Well go over there dumbass" lyssa says and shoved me in their direction.

You begin to walk up to them and jita immediately looks at you. "Hello, can I help you?" You say to her with a fake tone and a fake smile to match. "Hey, (y/n) this isn't what it looks like. I know I came outside alone but seriously it's fine." Jake says looking up at you. "Who is this, jakey?" jita says while putting her hand on his arm. "I'm his girlfriend, and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't be so close to him. Who are you, again?" You say, letting your annoyance show. "Oh I'm jita, Jake's former girlfriend, nice to meet you" she says with a smile. you immediately smile back, not wanting to show her you're jealous. "We were talking about Jake moving here" she said again. "Yeah he moved here for me. He goes to college here for me." You say. "I do baby" he says and reaches for your hand. thank god he's not falling for her trap. "Actually jita, the party's about to clear out. I think you should just go." He says. "I think you should fly home. I'm happy here. And I'm not coming back but to visit Mom and dad" he says. "Oh... okay" she says looking at the ground. "I just thought it was worth a shot" she said and got up and left.

"Thank god you didn't fall for that. I was so scared" you said. "Why would you be scared. I want you. Nobody else" he said and sat you down on his lap. "I know, but she looked like she might have been getting to you." You said and looked him in the eyes. "She was. But not because I miss her. Just because I miss home" he said. "Before the summer is up I'd like to take you to where I'm from, if you're okay with that. There will be other ex girlfriends, yes, but just know I don't bring girls home. ever. and I want you to meet my parents." He said smiling at you. "Of course I'll go with you, Jake." You say and kiss him. "I love you so much" he says. "I love you so much more." You say.

"Hey." He said. "I have a question." "Okay" You say. "I want to move in with you. Your apartment is bigger, and it's prettier, and your bed is comfier, and i love you" He said and laughed. "Are you asking to come sleep with me every night? And put your clothes in my closet? And your guitars in my living room next to mine? And make every meal with me?" You ask, grinning. "Yes. That's exactly what I'm asking." He says. "Well good. because the answer is yes. A million times yes." You say and giggle. He kisses you again.

You both walk into the party aftermath. You figure everyone who stayed is passed out on a bed by now. You and Jake go into the secret library and read books till dawn. Acting out Shakespeare, reading your favorite monologues, and laughing all night long. By the time you're finished there's books everywhere. The fireplace is on. The leather couch looks awfully comfy. you lay down and you feel Jake come snake his arms around you. "Goodnight beautiful" he whispers in your ear and you both fall asleep as soon as you settle down.


You wake up the next morning in the big master bed. Jake must've carried you there last night because you remember falling asleep on the couch in the study. You open your eyes to smell the sweet smell of bacon. You get up and notice you're in your favorite of Jake's shirts. You wander into the kitchen to find all of your closest friends and Jake at the stove in a pair of cute shorts and no shirt. "Hi baby" you whisper in his ear and he turns around to kiss you. "Ah, the sleeping beauty is awake. Baby, we were gonna hike up the mountain today after breakfast, if you're interested." He says. "Ohhh yeah. Let's do that." You say and kiss him on the cheek before going to lay in the living room on one of the huge leather couches.

He comes in and quietly says "I booked our tickets to Michigan next week. They don't know yet so don't say anything." He says and kisses you on the forehead. "Oh, so it's a surprise?" You ask. "Yes, darling. now come eat. The food is ready." He says and you follow him into the dining room.

The table is nearly full of people, and you're happy about it. The house was so empty and lifeless when it was just you and Jake. You would play hide and seek together in the large cabin during the rainy days, and drink wine in the study on stormy, lightning filled nights. you were truly happy as you looked around yourself. where did this all come from? you didn't know but you felt so lucky. if it weren't for your job at that record store......


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