chapter seven

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it's been about 3 weeks since Sammy and Jake's fight and Jake's eye is fully healed now. Today he said he's taking you up in the mountains on his motorcycle. You two have gotten very close and his kisses are basically what's keeping you going. He's always coming over. The other boys suspect but don't know for sure because he's such a private person, but you're hoping today is the day he asks you to be official.

You start to get ready but remember it'll be hot, it's now late July in Colorado. You pull your hair back in a braid and put on light makeup. You grab some high waisted jean shorts and a Rolling Stones T-shirt with some converse. You look yourself over. you feel good. As you're deciding which sunglasses to wear Jake starts to call. "Hey babe, you ready?" He says as soon as you pick up. "Yeah, I'll be right out" "mmkay bye" He says and hangs up the phone. You choose the red ones with heart lenses and head out the door.

when you get to the top of the stairs you see him, and god he looks so hot. Perched on the seat of his motorcycle waiting for your arrival. He smiles when he sees you and you can't help but smile back. "You look bitchin'" you say and giggle. Jake had always said bitchin' for as long as you remember. He had even started using it as a hashtag for his Instagram pictures. "Thanks, so do you babe" He says and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. "I have to admit," you say as you bite your lip "the motorcycle is so hot, jake." he grins. "Good" He says and winks. "Ready?" He says and gets on. You climb on the back after him and put on the leather jacket he insisted bringing you for "protection". He starts it and takes off.


It's been about 30 mins and you're almost to the place, he tells you. Riding with Jake has been so much fun, you never thought you'd love it so much.

He pulls off to the side and into the drive, his family's cabin. You drive slowly at first and then he starts to go faster, and soon enough the tree line opens up to a beautiful log cabin. He stops and lets you get off and then he gets off. You peel off the leather jacket as he takes the keys out of his pocket and walks to unlock the door. "Wow" You say in disbelief. "Yeah, it's been passed down through the generations of our family, it's gorgeous, isn't it?" He says looking up at the house. He unlocks the door and you both enter. The interior is almost as beautiful as the exterior. "Jake..." you say in awe. "Don't worry, we'll come inside tonight. But for now.... we have the cliff to ourselves with a perfect lookout spot just a 5 minute walk away" He says with a smile. "Alright then let's go!!" You say, excited.

You begin your walk with Jake through a little footpath and he holds your hand as you walk uphill. Soon enough you make it. And, boy, is the view beautiful. "Oh my gosh..." you say with your mouth hanging wide open. There's a perfect view of the mountains and sunset just starting. "I was thinking.." he says and lays out a blanket in the grass "we could watch the sunset." He says with a grin. "We have the cabin to ourselves tonight. We can stay here as long as you want" he says and you giggle. "Really?!!" You say. "Mmmhhmmm, just me and you tonight." He says and sits down next to you on the blanket. You two stay until the sun sets fully and then begin the walk back to the cabin.

Once you changed into some of Jake's pajama pants and let your hair down you make your way down to the kitchen. He's got a pan on the burner and has a package of pasta out. "I'm making spaghetti" he says and kisses you on the cheek as you come around to where he's standing. "Yummm" You say and wrap your arms around his waist.


You and Jake are now out on the back patio, laying in a hammock looking at the stars with a glass of wine. "Hey" He says softly and turns to look at you. You position your body towards him and he continues. "So obviously I don't take just any girl here, and I think you know that. (y/n), I think I'm falling in love with you, and i think it's time I make you mine. So, will you be my girlfriend? So I can scream it from the rooftops everywhere I go and tell everyone how amazing you are?" you smile. "of course I will, Jacob Kiszka." He kisses you passionately and pulls you closer to him with every kiss. He pulls away and says "I think we should continue this inside." With a smirk.

(The next part is smut, skip if you don't want to read)

Jake carries you into the master bedroom and slams you on the bed. You unbutton his shirt as he kisses down your neck. You can feel his hard member through his jeans. When you've unbuttoned all the buttons, he flings his shirt off and begins taking off yours and immediately kisses lower down your neck and onto your boobs as soon as it's off. He reaches around your back to unclasp your bra as you begin to unbutton his pants and pull down his underwear. He does the same to you. You're both completely naked now. He runs his hands down your sides taking in every inch of you. "God, you're so fucking beautiful." He says and begins to rub you and then insert a finger. you softly moan as he puts in another. The moans become louder as he starts to suck and bite on your nipples. He looks into your eyes for permission as you immediately shake your head yes. He scoots to the pillows to sit down and sets you down slowly on top of him. You slowly slide on to his member as you tangle your hands in his hair. He moves you up and down faster and faster until you're moaning even louder than you were before. He's been making eye contact the whole time and kissing you passionately every chance he can get. "Oh my god," he says out of breath as you can feel him start to slow. "I'm gonna cum" you slide off and move down his body, beginning to suck him off. After a minute of two of sucking he cums in your mouth and you swallow. He pulls the covers out and crawls under them with you. You nuzzle into his chest as he says "I think I love you". You smile softly. "I think I love you too" you say as you fall asleep on his chest, him playing with your hair and tracing shapes on your bare body. Another night in bed with Jake Kiszka. You're addicted. It's been confirmed.

{ (A/N) hey bitches hope u loved it hehehehehe hehehehehehehehe }

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