chapter eleven (the end :( )

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it's now been 4 months since that night. you and jake are still living together, and last week sam came to visit. he's staying until next wednesday. jake and sam decided to put their feud aside, after all, they're brothers.

sam is dating some girl in Michigan. one night he told you all about her. it felt good to see the sparkle in his eye, to know he was truly in love with this girl. you felt happy for him.

as for college, that was going pretty well. you made tons of new friends when classes started and you and jake got invited to some pretty huge ragers. you both spent most nights laying out on the living room floor quizzing each other, though. education first, lol.

you got so used to jakes clothes that the closet went from jakes side and your side to just a mush of both of y'alls clothes. i think you were both okay with it.

sometimes, you would ride with jake to the cabin and sit there and remember all the good times.

last week, you and jake picked out a dog. his name was lucky, and he was a miniature dachshund. he's  the most adorable thing ever. 

looking back on everything, you realized that life was so good. you felt so thankful to be the girl working when sam walked into that record shop. they truly changed your life.

one night, a year into dating, you and jake were laying on the floor laughing your asses off about something he said. suddenly he stopped, and looked at you. "what baby?" you ask, confused. "(y/n)... i just really love you. i hope i get to spend the rest of my life laughing my ass off with you." "me too baby, me too." you say and gently plant a kiss on his lips.

man, life is good.


{hey fuckers i keep seeing y'all vote on my shit and i feel bad for not updating it so here's the final chapter, i hope u all enjoyed it and i hope i don't suck at writing, love u all and have a good summer ;) }

summer lovin' | kiszka brothersWhere stories live. Discover now