chapter two

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you're awoken by a buzzing sound. ah, your friend Lyssa. "Hey bitch!!!" She says loudly through the phone as you groan and turn down the volume. "I was sleeping you fucker" You say and hear her sigh. "I thought you were gonna come party tonight? It's almost 8 and the party starts at 9 remember?" "Yeah yeah I'm still going, I just took a nap." You say and start to get up and rub your eyes. "Okay girl. See you thereeeee!" "Byeeee" you say as you hang up the phone.

Suddenly, you have an idea. You run across the street and knock on the boys' door. Jake opens it. "Oh hey funny seeing you here" he says and cracks a shit eating grin "hey do you guys wanna go to a party??"


it's been 30 mins since you and the boys arrived and lyssa is already out in the woods somewhere. The huge house you're at backs up to the woods, and there's a walking trail visible from your spot on the ledge of the pool. She hit it off with some college boy right away and has been MIA ever since.

Sammy walks up and sits down next to you. "And what is the pretty lady drinking this fine evening?" He says and you giggle. "Just beer." "A nice choice. you know as my brother says, good people drink good beer" you laugh at that one too. gosh, maybe stop making it so obvious you're into him? "so where are you from? Why'd you move to Boulder?" You ask.


It's been an hour and you're still in the same spot with Sammy, but somehow you two have moved closer. Your head is on his shoulder now, and he's asked about a million questions. but it's okay, you don't mind. "Hey" He says softly "yeah?" You ask, your heartbeat picking up at the sound of his voice. "I'm really drunk." You burst out laughing and so does he. "Hey, it's not nice to laugh at people" he slurs and you just laugh more. "I think it's time we go home" You say softly and put your hand out for him to grab so you can pull him up. He grabs it, but pulls you in his direction, and suddenly you're falling into the pool, but not without him coming with you. he giggles and says "now we can go." You dunk his head under the water and his grin grows as he splashes you in the face. You run as fast as you can but he catches up and dunks you, too. you're at the steps of the pool now, about to get out when you spot some towels. you get out and wrap one around you and throw another one in sam's direction.

both of you round up the boys, then call an Uber. josh is the last to come, stumbling out of a bedroom with one of your friends, Payton. "I'll call you, doll" he says to her and she kisses him on the cheek. "Damn josh, we're a day in and you've already messed round with a girl" Jake smirks. "Oh shut up" he says and climbs in the Uber.

You make it to the apartment and sammy pulls you aside as the other three stumble up the steps. "I was wondering if I could have your number, for hangover purposes, of course" he says and winks at you. He hands you his phone and you type it in. You start to turn away but he grabs your arm lightly "hey, I'm not done yet." He says and smirks lightly. "I was wondering if you'd take me on a hike this weekend. I haven't gone yet. Just you and me" "of course. I'd love to. goodnight sammy" you say as you quickly turn around and scurry up the steps before he can see your rosy cheeks. "Goodnight gorgeous" he calls out which just makes them blush a deeper red.

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