chapter four

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(This is a warning. there is somewhat smut ahead. If you don't want to read it, skip over it)
you've been dating Sammy for a while now, going on double dates with your friend Payton and Sammy's brother Josh, turns out they really hit it off that first night.

Tonight is another party but this one HUGE because it's Lyssa's birthday. Lyssa has always been a party animal, so naturally everyone loves her. You get a little bit more dolled up than usual, you dab on a bit more eyeshadow and put on a nice deep red lipstick. usually your party looks are somewhat natural. You walk out the door to see the boys walking out of theirs, perfect timing. Sammy walks up to you with wide eyes, and says "wow, just.... wow." You laugh Jake says "you look nice" you smile and say "thank you, I guess you look okay.." and pretend to roll your eyes at him as he laughs. "LETS PARTAYYY" josh screams as he comes into the circle of conversation. The Uber pulls up and you all hop in.


It's late, you've all been partying for what seems like hours when sam finds you in the crowd and takes you by the hand. he leads you up the stairs and into some random bedroom and locks the door. He snakes his arms around your waist and leans in to kiss you softly at first, and then his kisses get deeper and more aggressive. you can tell he's very drunk. "you look fucking HOT tonight" he whispers in your ear as he begins to kiss down your neck. "Sam.." you say and that just makes him kiss lower and lower, down to your boobs. it's not that you don't enjoy it, it's just that you really don't want to have sex with drunk Sammy. He pushes you down on the bed and attempts to take off your skirt but you stop him. "Sammy. Look at me." He stops and looks up at you. "I don't want to do this right now. I just want to go home" you say. "Why not" he says and slides his hand up your skirt. "Sammy!" You say louder and pull his hand away. "For fucks sake!" He says. "It's been three fucking months, (y/n)! And you won't even let me put a hand up your skirt!" He says harshly. "Because I'm not ready yet" you say softly. "Well then maybe I should go find someone else who isn't a fucking prude." He says. "Did you really just fucking say that?" You spit as you get up and unlock the door.

You run down the stairs and find your purse. You tell Lyssa you're leaving and you hope she has a good birthday. "Thanks GURLLLL" she slurs. You walk out the door and see Sammy following after you.

"Where are you fucking GOING?" He yells "Away from you, that's where. Just leave me the fuck alone Sammy." You say. "Oh, so are you like breaking up with me or some shit?" He spits "Yeah, sam. I guess I fucking am" you say and walk away. "What a fucking bitch, you know I really liked you." He says loud enough for you to hear.

You start walking and get on the Uber app. You tell it to pick you up on the street corner right down the street. You wait a couple minutes and it arrives.


You're at your apartment now. About to go to sleep when Payton calls you. "Hello..?" You say, not expecting her to call. "Hey, uh, Sam is kinda making out with another girl right now.... are you guys like.. done? Or what? I saw the fight in the front yard" she says slowly. "Yeah. We're over. Let him do what he wants." You say and hang up the phone. You power it off and fall asleep.

{ (a/n) rip I'm really sorry but you'll all like it soon, I promise. }

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