14) Innocence

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"Hi, Daddy," Sydney said cheerfully, climbing into the passenger seat of the car. "How come you're driving Mommy's car?"

"My car is getting fixed," Jack said. "Buckle your seatbelt, honey." She did, and he started to pull away from the curb. The car stalled. He started the engine again, cursing inwardly—he'd forgotten about the transmission problems. He also realized that he had no idea what had happened to his car, the one that Laura had been driving last night.

"Where's Mommy?" Sydney asked as Jack finally got the car on the road. "I have to tell her what I want to be for Halloween."

Jack glanced over at his daughter. He'd wanted to wait until they were home to tell her about the accident. They only lived half a mile from Sydney's elementary school, though, so he ought to be able to stall her. "What do you want to be for Halloween?"

"I can't tell you! I'm 'sposed to surprise you, remember?"

Of course, Jack thought. Every year since Sydney had been born, Laura had taken responsibility for dressing her up and surprised him with the costume. "Well, Sydney, this year might have to be a little bit different." He pulled into the garage.

"How come?" Sydney asked as she got out. Without waiting for a response, she went into the house and called, "Mommy? I'm home!"

"Mommy's not here, Sydney," Jack said as he came in behind her. He picked up Sydney's carelessly dropped backpack and put it on the kitchen table, then sat down. "Do you remember last winter when I got hurt on one of my trips and had to stay in the hospital for a few days?"

"Yes," Sydney said, suddenly looking rather excited. Jack couldn't fathom why, until she continued in a rush. "Is Mommy in the hospital? Is she going to bring home a baby? Tommy at school said his mommy was in the hospital and brought home a baby brother. I want a sister, though. Can you ask them for a girl?"

Jack couldn't help smiling. "No, Sydney, Mommy's not bringing home a baby. She got hurt in a car accident last night, and so she has to stay in the hospital for a few days."

"Oh." Sydney frowned for a moment. "When's she coming home? Can I go see her? What about my Halloween costume? Who's going to make dinner?" She climbed into Jack's lap.

"She'll probably come home while you're at school on Monday, we'll go and see her a little later, we'll figure out something for your Halloween costume, and we'll get a pizza for dinner," Jack said, knowing from experience that Sydney wouldn't give up until each of her questions had been answered. "Now, do you want a snack?"

"No, I want to go see Mommy right now," Sydney said, sliding off his lap. "Let's go."

"Okay, but let's pick out some books for Mommy to read before we go." He went upstairs with her. "Sydney, while I'm gone on a trip, does Mommy act any different than she does when I'm home?" he asked as they climbed the stairs.

"Yeah," Sydney said nonchalantly, and Jack's stomach dropped into his feet. She ran into the extra bedroom and began perusing the bookshelves. "War and Peace," she read. "We should take her this one. It'll take her a long time so she won't get bored."

"No, let's bring her three or four short ones," Jack said. Laura's left arm was out of commission due to the IV line, so smaller books would be easier for her to handle, he thought. "Sydney, what kinds of things does Mommy do differently when I'm not here?"

Sydney shrugged. "She's sad when you're gone. And she always checks my homework, every night. She only does it sometimes when you're home." She pulled out a thin book. "Frankenstein. Daddy, you should be Frankenstein for Halloween. That would be funny." Jack didn't bother to try to explain that Frankenstein wasn't the name of the monster; he was too busy thinking about Sydney's words. At least she hadn't said she was getting Russian lessons. "Flowers for…umm…" Sydney paused as she sounded it out. "Algernon. Is that right, Daddy?"

"Yeah, Sydney." He grabbed Silas Marnerand Pride and Prejudice from the upper shelves. "Okay, you've got two and I've got two. I think that'll be enough."

"What's an Algernon?" Sydney asked as they went downstairs.

Jack had never read the book. "I don't know, you'll have to ask your mother." He and Sydney got into the car and headed toward the hospital.

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