15) Goodnight Kiss

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Jack carried the books in one hand and held Sydney's hand with the other as they walked into Laura's hospital room. She was asleep, but Jack didn't even get a chance to tell Sydney to be quiet.

"Mommy!" Sydney cried as she dropped Jack's hand to run forward and grab her mother's.

Laura woke up immediately and turned to smile sleepily at Sydney. "Hi, sweetheart," she said.

"Were you taking a nap, Mommy?"

"Yes, but I'm glad you woke me up. I wanted to see you."

"How come this tube's going in your arm, Mommy?" Sydney asked, reaching to touch the IV line.

Jack came forward quickly. "Sydney, honey, don't touch that. Let's go around to the other side." He shepherded her around the bed.

"How come you've got a cast? Did you break your leg? Can I draw on your cast?"

"Yes, Sydney, I broke my leg, and you can draw on the cast all you want when I get home."

"Daddy and me brought you some books to read. I picked out two of them. I wanted to bring you a big fat one so you wouldn't get bored, but Daddy said only little ones."

"Daddy and I, honey." She looked up and smiled at Jack. "Thank you for the books." Jack's neutral expression didn't change as he nodded and put the books on the stand beside the bed. Laura looked back at Sydney. "How was school today?"

"There were these two third graders that got in a big fight at recess, and they were punching each other and everything, and the teacher had to come and make them stop and they got sent to the principal's office. And today was library day, so I got some new books." She leaned in closer to her mother, but Jack clearly heard her loud whisper. "Mommy, what about my Halloween costume? I want to be a…" She stopped and turned to look at Jack. "Daddy, go away so I can tell Mommy about my costume."

Jack hesitated. Sydney glared at him impatiently, and Laura mouthed, "Just go."

He didn't really have a choice, he decided. "I'll be right outside." He went into the hallway, leaving the door open a crack.

A moment later, Sydney poked her head out. "Daddy, stop trying to listen!" She slammed the door shut.

Jack sighed. He looked around for a moment, but the hospital hallway was just not that interesting. He noticed Laura's chart on the wall, though, and he picked it up and flipped through it. Heart rates, blood pressures, medication dosages—it was all rather unexciting…until he found the doctor's notes from that morning.

Patient's X-rays indicate at least seventeen prior fractures of the limbs, including a severe right femoral fracture. When asked, patient indicated that the fractures were due to "clumsiness" as a child. She emphatically denied the possibility of abuse by her husband. Will follow up with further interview on Sunday.

Jack read the short paragraph three times. Laura had never mentioned thatpart of the conversation. She had also never mentioned having broken bones. Clumsiness?he thought. Not a chance. Laura moved like a cat, always conscious of exactly where every part of her body was at all times. She must have been lying to the doctor.

The door opened, interrupting his thoughts. "Okay, Daddy, you can come back in now," Sydney said.

He slipped the chart back into its holder and went back in the room, adding "broken bones" to his mental list of things to ask Laura when they got home. He really should start writing them down. "Have you got the Halloween costume worked out?"

"I tried to convince her to let you get her costume, but she wouldn't hear of it," Laura said with a grin. "So, can you take us to K-Mart on Monday night?"

"And wait in the car, and don't peek!" Sydney said.

Jack had to smile. He'd never thought that Sydney had her teeth this deeply in the Halloween tradition. "Sure, that should be fine." He noticed Laura yawning as he said that. "Well, Sydney, are you about ready to go home and have dinner?"

"When can we come back?"

"Tomorrow afternoon," Jack said.

"Okay," Sydney said. "Mommy, Daddy said we're getting pizza for dinner."

"Well, that will be fun," Laura said.

Jack started to leave, but Sydney spoke up. "Daddy, aren't you going to kiss Mommy goodnight?"

Damn. "Of course, sweetheart," he said. He moved to the bedside. He meant to give Laura a quick peck, but was thoroughly surprised when the kiss lasted a good ten seconds. He pulled back, met her eyes briefly, and then looked away. "I'll be back tomorrow," he muttered. "Um, is there anything you want me to bring?"

"A hairbrush would be nice." Jack nodded and took Sydney's hand. Sydney waved as they left. Laura watched them go with a smile. Jack Bristow was not one to express his feelings verbally, but his actions always spoke clearly. The fact that he had thought to bring the books said a lot, and the kiss…well, it didn't hold a candle to some of the kisses of the past, but it was definitely a good start. Maybe she would get her husband back after all.

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