Chapter One.

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{Zane's POV}

I ripped my arm from the man holding it, suddenly scared. The portal took me to a totally different world, didn't they?

"My lord, we should get back to the castle." The man said.

"Right..." I say, a bit warily, nodding. "Lead the way." The three other guards took positions surrounding me, as they practially escorted me to a large castle on the edge of a city.

The castle was almost casting a shadow on the large city it over looked. It was made from a darker stone, casting a regal glow eminating from it, keeping the city in line.

"Your mother has been looking for you." The main guard says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

My mother...?

The guards keep walking, leading me around the twisting hallways of the castle.

When the guards finally let me go, I was left in front of a big door, where I could hear the familiar sound of my mother, her voice low, mumbling.

I opened the door to finally see her again.

She gave me a warm smile, coming in to hug me. "Oh ZuZu... I was so worried about you..!" My arms instinctively wrapped back around her, my voice choking up for one second. "Try to let me know before you disappear, okay?"

I just nod, my voice failing me. She lets go of me, smiling once more.

"I love you, ZuZu, don't ever forget that."

"I won't, mother."

She planted a small kiss on my forehead. "Alright, can you head out to the town to get me some groceries? The guards will escort you like always."

I nod, wordlessly, as she hands me a small slip of paper.

"Try not to get lost, okay? I... can't loose you too...." She sniffs, hugging me once again.

I stayed silent for now, curiousity filling my mind. I shook it off.

"I won't, mother. I'll be back in a bit." I say, reassuring her.

She smiles. "Now go have fun in town."

And with that, I left the room.

My heartbeat was going wild, so much so I was worried my mother could hear it.

I set my hand on my chest, breathing slowly, in attempts to calm it.

My mother was alive...?

If this was a dream, it was only missing one thing.



Word Count: 385 words

Heyo y'all! Wecome to the sequel!

aaaaah. i'm so excited for thiiiiis.

I've always wanted to make a MCD fic, but i've said that already;;

so um well I found a rlly good au that foxy helped me out with and hhhhh i'm just working on the plot and i've finished the characters and i love it

idk if it's gonna be a full book or just a one shot but you bet its coming

anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Ily all! xoxo Sam

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