Chapter Four.

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{Zane's POV}

Tifa and I board the boat, the rocking motion making Tifa clutch her stomach.

"Ugh, boating makes me sea sick.."

I only chuckled, heading down to the main cabin to prepare to depart.

Tifa followed, past the numerous crew, staring at everyone as we passed them.

We made it into the main room without hitch, as the boat takes off.

This journey was going to be a long one.


((Okay, quick interlude. Since there's so much travel in this book, it's going to be in the form of Zane's travel journals! It's a fun way of explaining while not just saying "Oh yeah, today we're still on the water.  Wow. So much ocean." Get it?))

Day 1: Travel to Travis

Our first full day on the sea, everything is running smoothly.

The captain wanted to see me about our destination. He told me about the rumors.

Though they are just rumors, it's always good to be cautious.

We don't want to get caught up in a giant storm and never be able to return, after all.

Tifa is almost always on top of the deck, trying not to vomit.

I'll admit, I find it hilarious.

We have encountered no storms so far.


Day 2: Travel to Travis

Second full day on the sea, everything still smooth.

Our rations are serving well, everyone getting enough food while keeping enough for days to come.

Tifa said the journey will last at least 5 days. Storm not included.

After the storm, it will be over in the blink of an eye.

Everyone's spirits are good. I have a feeling that the crew missed the sea.

We did have a party last night, with ginger ale. Tifa had stopped wanting to vomit after that party.

When she woke up this morning, however, vomiting was the first thing she did.

It was hilarious.

We have encountered no storms so far.


Word Count: 317 words

Ha, TIfa is sea sick lol

And Zane finds it hilarious

I revisited my old fandom for throwback thursday and omg so cringe

Oh yeah, we're in the process of moving, so updates will be slow.

Very slow.

This took me a few days to write only because I had to pack stuff up

So, see you in the next update, which may be in a week--

Ily all! xoxo Sam

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