Chapter Eleven.

117 6 43

{Zane's POV}

I sighed, my thoughts spiralling in my head. Should I tell her? Should I not? Leave her in ignorance?

"Zane, love, calm down." Travis says, and I flop on my bed next to him.

"I can't. I know I should probably tell her about why the mission was so important, but I can't without explaining how I know you. And that would mean..."

"Telling her about the other world." Travis finishes, thinking. "Quite the connundrum."

I nod, sighing. "What do I do? I want to tell her, but.... if my father gets a hold of this knowledge.."

"He'll get any chance he can to go." Travis finishes again. "Then tell her when you catch her alone. I can be there with you if you really want me to. It won't be hard to explain. Especially if I'm there. She'll understand."

"But we don't even know who did this! And why!" I cry out in frustration, burying my hands in my hair. "Ugh, this is such a problem..."

"Then tell her that. Zane, this isn't as complicated as you make things out to be. You can tell her you don't know information... She'll understand. She's family."

I sigh. "You're right... You are always right."

"I wouldn't say I'm always right, but I am right most of the time." Travis laughs, and pulls me onto his lap.

I smile, and the door opens just as I set my head on his shoulder.


Travis and I freeze, my mom's voice stopping us in our tracks.

I turn around to face her. "Hey Mommy..."

"What is going on...?" She had her hands on her hips, her face looking over me right at Travis.

Travis laughed nervously, glancing at me.

"Right... Sit down, it's quite the story." I say, and my mother takes a seat on the chair.


"Hm..." My mother said, looking between me and Travis.

Travis was especially nervous, this being the first time he had met the better half of my parents.

Not like he was meeting my father anytime soon.

"So both of you... are from another world?" My mother tried to understand, and I could almost see the wheels turning in her brain.

Travis and I nod.

"And you're in love..." She said again, looking between the two of us.

We look at each other, me probably more embarrased than Travis, but we nod regardless.

Her eyes start to sparkle, and my shoulders relax.

I look back at Travis and smile, knowing everything is going to be okay.


Word Count: 421 words lmfao


block sucks


Ily all! xoxo Sam

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