Chapter 2: The Road

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The time had come when we had to leave LA and go on tour. Nick was making guest appearances at my Neon Lights shows. I didn't know what I would do while both Nick and I were on stage with out Ella by our side. I finally decided to call my mom and see if she had suggestions. "Hey mom I was just curious to see if you had an ideas on who to leave Ella with while both Nick and I are on stage. Cause I can't just leave her off in the wings by herself." "Well, maybe have one of the girls from Fifth Harmony or Little Mix watch her while you two are on stage." "That sounds like a great idea thanks mom." I hung up the phone and walked into the living room where I found Ella playing with her dolls and Nick sitting on the couch watching the Yankee's game. I walked up behind Ella and gave her a big hug and then picked her up to sit with me and Nick on the couch. Nick kissed my lips and I snuggled into his neck while Ella snuggled into my side. Life was perfect. We would be leaving tomorrow for Vancouver.

We decided not to tell Ella that we were leaving for a month again. She doesn't like when we're gone for that long. She misses Maddie and my mom and dad too much. I did have a surprise in store for her. As Nick and packed our suit cases I realized that I hadn't packed Ella's stuff yet. "Hey babe," "yeah?" "Would you do me a giant favor and help me pack up Ella's things." He smirked at my request. "Okay but you owe me something." He said tapping his lips. I kissed his lips and he pulled me closer and kissed me more passionately. We walked down the hall to a sleeping little girl and quietly grabbed clothes for her and some toys to keep her entertained. Nick kissed Ella's forehead and I kissed her cheek. We walked back to our room and packed up all of Ella's things.

It was close to midnight when I heard little feet walking toward our room. I knew Ella was awake, she came into my door frame while rubbing her eyes like she had been crying. I held my arms out and she ran into them. I snuggled her and laid her on top of me with her head under my chin. She laid there and fell back asleep. I slowly moved her in between me and Nick and fell asleep. My alarm went off at six am, that ment time to pack up and get on the bus. Before I could shut my alarm off I felt a small hand hit my face and a tiny voice say " Go away mom. Too tired." I laughed. Nick rolled over and kissed me and then kissed Ella's head and jumped out of bed. We both got ready while the little one lay asleep in our bed. She was so cute the way she slept. I decided to get my phone and take a pic of her. She was wearing her favorite Frozen/Elsa PJs and her curly hair was a mess. She still looked adorable. I snapped the pic with the caption: Mommy's little princess isn't ready for tour. =)

I instantly got a lot of comments and likes. I finally scooped up my little girl and headed down stairs deciding not to dress her until she was awake and on the bus. We got on the bus and headed to Vancouver. Ella finally woke up around 9 am and I was on the couch with Nick when she came running and jumped on Nick. "DADDY!" she said. " Hey princess, how did you sleep?" She shrugged her shoulders. Nick kissed the top of her head. "Why are we on the big bus again?" Nick looked at me and said "Cause mommy has to work and daddy is going to help her with her work sometimes but mostly spend time with one of his favorite girls." Ella got a sad look on her face. " I don't want mommy and daddy to work." She said with a pout. "Not fair." she said jumping off Nick and walking down to her bunk. I walked over and snuggled her. "Mommy only has to work for a little while princess. You will have daddy all to yourself for a while. And when mommy and daddy are on stage together you can come and watch. There are some people that I want you to meet when we get to our first stop okay? They are really nice I promise." She looked down at the floor and then nuzzled into my neck. I hugged her really tight.

Nick POV:

Seeing Demi with Ella made me smile. She always knows exactly what to say when our baby girl was sad. I walked over and hugged my girls. Ella smiled and then crawled into my lap. "Daddy?" "Yes baby girl?" "Will I really have you all to myself while mommy is working?" "Of course! We can even go see mommy perform at night time." I said smiling down at her. I hugged her and then she jumped down and ran to the couch to watch TV. I looked over at Demi who was smiling and put my arm around her. "She is just so perfect Nick, I don't know what I would do without either one of you." "I know babe. We'll always be here."

Ella's POV:

I hated the road as mommy would call it. Its so boring and I have to stay on the big bus all day until night time cause mommy has to work. But at least my daddy will be here with me we can play dollies and watch movies. I love when daddy stays with me. He always snuggles me and he always lets me watch what I want to. We even eat a lot of stuff mommy doesn't let me have. I wonder what my daddy has planned for today.

Demi POV:

"Ella! Come here please." I said while I was unpacking a few things. She toddled down to my bedroom into the back. "Would you like to wear this outfit?" I asked holding up a black Elsa shirt and skirt with her black converse. "Or this one?" Holding up a pink dress with her pink converse, already knowing she would pick the Elsa outfit. "uhhhhhh...ELSA. Please mama." I hugged her and told her to go out to watch TV with daddy. I finished getting ready when little feet came running toward me. "What's wrong Ella?" "Daddy's gonna get me!" She said giggling. I saw Nick peer around the corner and a little high pitched scream came from behind me. He hugged me while trying to reach for Ella. I wouldn't let him past me. Finally I had to go perform. "Ella! Mommy is leaving to go sing now!" "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Screamed my little girl. She came running in her Elsa shirt and skirt and converse. Her little arms wrapped around my legs. I picked her up and showered her with kisses. "I have to go now." I whispered in her ear. "If you're good, daddy will bring you to the stage to see me perform okay." She nodded. I handed her to Nick and she began to cry. I left the tour bus quickly with Max at my side making sure I made it to the venue quickly.

Nick POV:

I held Ella for awhile until she finally fell asleep in my arms. It was an hour before we're supposed to go see Demi on stage. While Ella slept on the couch I cleaned up and got ready to go see Demi's concert. When it was finally time to go see Demi Ella still wasn't awake. "Ella sweetie. Its time to go see mommy perform on stage." She immediately jumped up. Her hair was a mess so I decided to brush it. I didn't know how to style her hair so I left it down and put a bow in her hair. We carefully made it back stage.

Music started playing and Demi began to sing Heart Attack. Once Ella saw her mom she started to run on to the stage. I quickly grabbed her and held her. She tried to wiggle out of my grip but soon settled down to watch Demi perform. Demi came running off stage after finishing Neon Lights and had to change. She saw Ella and I and kissed us both and then took Ella from me.

Demi POV:

As soon as I got done with Neon Lights I ran off stage and changed. My family was in the wings and I kissed Nick and Ella. After I changed, I grabbed Ella from Nick and took her on stage. I began to sing Skyscraper. I heard "Aww's" while I was singing. My daughter stared at me while I was singing the whole time. She knew every lyric to the song. I handed her the mic and she sang the chorus. She had inherited our talents. We began to sing together. She had no stage fright whatsoever. I was so proud of her. When we finished the song the crowd cheered and I told her to go back to daddy so I could finish up the concert. I saw from the corner of my eyes that Nick picked her up and swung her around and kissed her on her forehead. I was so happy in that moment. I finished the concert with Give Your Heart A Break.

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