Chapter 7

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Three months ago Mikey took Keegan to apply for a name change and they were approved that day. The downside of it all is that we had to wait such a long time but we finally got the letter saying that our sons name is officially, legally changed to Keegan Ross Cobban and now he hopefully won't be called the wrong name at school or anywhere. Mikey and I have been procrastinating to fill in the forms to sign Keegan up for kindergarten because we wanted his name to be changed but now we can. Last week was Keegan's birthday so he is six and will be going to school in the same year as Robin and Elijah because they are five. I'm glad that Keegan won't be alone in school and will have his best friends along with an old friend from the orphanage named Reagan. Our close friends Joey and Charles got married and they adopted Reagan. "Babe, we need to drive down to the school to send in the forms." Mikey says rubbing my arm and pulling me from my thoughts.

"Right let's get the kids in the car." I say shaking my head to clear my head.

"You okay Andy?" Mikey asks grabbing my arms so I don't keep walking.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about how far Keegan has come." I say noticing Keegan was coloring with Jaidan.

"He really has come a long way." Mikey says with a fond smile. I nod and remove my arm from Mikey's grasp so I can find my shoes. "Keegan get ready we are going to visit your school." Mikey says pulling a hoodie over his head and tying his Vans. I had on my ripped jeans, one of Mikey's hoodies, and a infinity sign necklace Mikey got me as a sort of promise.

"Daddy c-can you help m-me?" I hear Keegan shout from his room. I make my way upstairs when I see that Mikey is getting Jaidan ready.

"What do you need help with Monkey?" I ask opening his door. That's another thing we changed, Keegan's room. Mikey and I repainted it a red-orange color and got new furniture. Keegan now has a bed shaped like a boat with a camo duvet, dark brown dresser, a wall mirror, and a grey rug. When Keegan saw his room after having a sleepover at Rye and Jack's he was ecstatic, thanking Mikey and I like crazy.

"Can you f-fix my ha-air daddy?" Keegan asks me with a brush in hand.

"Absolutely how do you want it?" I ask because he has several styles he likes trying.

"Li-ike Elijah's!" Keegan says handing me the brush. Elijah's hair was like Rye's where the front is messy, curly bangs and the back is brushed.

"Okay, do you want your beanie or snapback today?" I ask putting the black beanie and superman snapback on his lap.

"Beanie." Keegan says laying it down next to me. Keegan has always been good at matching his outfits and making sure everything looks good so the beanie was a good choice. Keegan was wearing his black jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket, black converse, and his beanie. Once I finish his hair, I put the beanie on specifically so his curls would show.

"All done." I say getting up and putting away the snapback and brush.

"Than-nk you dad-ddy, I wan-nna show Papa!" Keegan says excitedly holding my hand and pulling me downstairs to Mikey. "Papa, loo-ok Daddy did m-my hair!" Keegan says pulling on Mikey's hoodie.

"And you look handsome." Mikey says kneeling so he can kiss his forehead.

"We better get into the car or we won't get there in time." I say holding the door for them and then locking it. I open the car door for Keegan and strap him into his carseat. I pick up Keegan's monkey stuffie named Nanna from the floor and give it to him.

"Th-hank you daddy." Keegan says playing with Nanna.

"Mikey heads up." I say throwing Jaidan's lion stuffie named Leo to him once he finishes strapping Jaidan in.

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