Chapter 33 ~ Jealousy

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'Jealousy is like petrol pouring in the sea from a damaged boat. Your relationship, just like the boat, is full of uncertainties. Will it sail or will it drown? Can we make it work? Will it kill us in its fall?

But when these uncertainties resurface after you had buried them deep down to find the courage to go afloat, you try to drown them again or they stick to you, messing with your brain until you don't know which direction to follow.

And then, because you have let these uncertainties mess with your certainties, you hit the iceberg: that problem you thought was minor but which was actually massive under the surface.

That's when it starts. The uncertainties become your reality: it can't work anymore. Petrol starts to pour in the sea, just like jealousy runs in your being. Everything becomes black, dangerous and harmful.

It's too late, you can't mend the ship and too much has been poured already. So you watch it spread, just like you watch what was once your certainty, sail on another boat.'

It feels like time has stopped. My parents and I are waiting in the car, none of us know what to do. They came back home a few hours ago to find me vomiting in the bathroom. I had no other choice but to tell them the whole story. We cried, yelled and cried again. I remember very well the moment the doctors announced them Hashley had died. The only word I can think about when reminiscing about this day is devastation. I don't think there is any other word that can describe what parents feel when they lose a child. When I told them the truth behind Hashley's suicide, they experienced the day of her death all over again. It was like I had punched them in the still-opened wounds. And I hate myself for that, for making them go through all of this once again. But they deserved, and most of all needed, to hear the truth.

After we had all managed to stop crying, my father urged us in the car and drove to the police station so we could fill a complaint against Hannah. And here we are, finally getting off the car to go inside the police station.

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