Chapter 20: She's what?

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As we entered the conveinience store, the cashier merely gave us a stare before returning to read his newspaper.

The time now is 12.56 am.

Marie helped me to the seat in the booth, before buying 2 cups of hot beverage.

''Thanks,'' I mumbled as I sipped in the hot milo. ''So, you were saying..?''

''Yes.'' she took a sip of what I think is cappuccino. ''Isabella, she's actually the next royal family in the Shapiro family. You see, for decades, the Shapiro family is actually a family of royalties. But it was until the late 18 centuries that the Shapiro family went into hiding from rebels, like for example, Doofus Khan. He was the most notorious kidnapper in the olden centuries. Now, sons after sons, they changed their names from Doofus Khan in-cooperating to 'The Mudbloods'.''

''That's a terrible name.''

''Yes. Anyways, a little background information, 'The Mudbloods', have not been active until recently, they have started to round up every single one of the Shapiro family which is still alive, for the leader, Malenie, believe that one of them holds the power of beauty, otherwise known as the princess of beauty.''

''Wait wait wait... this is weird, why are people even after this kind of stuff.. I mean.. it's not real right?''

''Sadly, this is the truth. None of the Shapiro family know what powers they posses, neither do they know they are from a royal family. And yes, the powers have been kept safe by their ancestors and is currently guarded by my agency.''

''So.. now what..?''

''The world union mission adventurers agency is currently watching over the households of the remaining Shapiro family that hasn't been caught yet. So far, we're doing good, just that we were unable to reach Vivian Garcia Shapiro in time, and Isabella.''

''So, what now?''

''We're going to save them, but first, we require the help of you. Do not worry, I know your principal will be mad with you from leaving the school, but we have both you and Isabella covered.''

''What do you mean?''

Marie snapped her fingers and 2 figures stepped out from behind the shelf.

2 exactly same sized people, me and Isabella.

The body opened up and revealed 2 animals.

Perry and Pinky.

''Did I mention that OWCA, the organisation without a cool acronym is working together with the WUMAA?''

''What's WUMMA?''

Marie face palmed.

''World Union Mission Adventurers Agency, the agency I work in''

''Oh yeah...''

''GET HER!''

The cashier shouted and at once, the cleaner, who was dusting a shelf of the conveiniece store, and the cashier who was reading the newspaper charged at Marie.

But in no less than 1 second, a wave of rope and both were unconscious.

''Wow, great skills you got there''

''Yes, but the more important part is because I knew they were part of 'The Mudbloods', and the reason they know Isabella is here''


Every piece of the puzzle seem to start falling in place.

''But how do you know that they were from 'The Mudbloods'?''

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