60: Thank You

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"Table 6, chocolate chip muffins!" I called out as I placed the order on their table then I got the other order waiting on the counter. Just then, Julian entered the shop and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby." I greeted him. "Table 10 Banana cake!" Then I gave the customer her order and she thanked me. I went back to the counter where I left Julian.

"Busy ay?" He said.

I crinkled my nose, "Yeah." I replied.

"You know what? You should take a break. You've been working too hard these first two days of the shop."

"Julian, I'm fine. I don't need a break."

"Hannah, you are not wonderwoman. Come with me, I'll bring you somewhere."

"And where is that place?"

"Somewhere you can relax."


He rolled his eyes and carried me into his arms. "Wait! Jules! I can't leave the shop!" I said.

"Kobe is waiting, Jules." Dad said by the door.

"Dad?! You're in this too?" I said.

"I guess I am." Dad replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Thanks Uncle Bert!" Julian said and he went out of the shop while carrying me in his arms.

"Julian, you're forcing me to go with you! This is kidnap!" I responded. "Put me down!" He put me down inside Kobe's car.

"Julian, stop this madness. I can't leave the shop right now!" I added.

"Will you just stop being such a workaholic for once?" He said then he put a blindfold on me. I tried to take off the blindfold on me but he swatted my hand, "Don't take it off! You'll ruin the surprise."

"Just trust me on this one." He added as he squeezed my hand gently.

After a couple of minutes, we stopped and Julian helped me to get off from the car then we slowly started walking until I felt fine sand slipping into my slippers and toes. I can also hear the wind and the waves crashing. He finally took off the blindfold from me and I opened my eyes and found that I am right. We're at the beach.

He led me under a tree where I could see a picnic set up. We sat down, "You've been working too hard." He said. "So I decided that maybe I should take you here. You know, for you to be relaxed and also for us to spend time with each other."

"Aww... Julian. You're freakin' adorable!" I cooed and pinched his cheeks.

"I know." He replied and smiled cleverly as he rubbed his nose against mine.

We started eating the fruits that he prepared for us both and then when we're full, we rested for a bit.

"Are you really gonna go back here after three months?" Julian asked me.

"Yeah. I want to manage the shop full-time." I said while he played with my fingers like a five year-old kid.

"But I don't want you to go." He pouted as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, his chin resting on the crook of my neck.

"And I don't want to leave you either but I have to."

"Kobe can manage it for you. And besides, you said that you will let him manage it once we go back there."

"Yeah but Kobe has his own life too. And that shop is the only living memory of mum that I have."

"Okay, whatever makes you happy, I'm happy with it too."

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