Drunk part 2: Virgil

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Sam grunted as she tried to drag a very drunk Virgil up the stairs. She had flown the pair of them home after a small mess up with the drinks at her family's dinner. 

He had 4 cups of sake, four damn cups of the stuff! The fact he hadn't passed out sooner was very surprising to the brunette woman.  

Yes, he was a big guy, but that stuff was super strong just for her uncles. 

Sam felt queasy and she bit her lip. Curse the morning sickness. Now was no time for her to throw up.

"Sam? Is that you?" a sleepy looking Scott asked, rounding the corner.

"Yeah," Sam sat down and panted. 

"What happened?" Scott said flicking on the lights.

"Someone decided to have four cups of a family tradition and surpassed drunkness. Your idiot brother is black-out drunk." Scott fixed her with a custom 'smother-stare'

"And..." Sam glanced at the older man and sighed.

"And I have a killer case of morning sickness, and if I don't get him upstairs soon I'm going to throw up on him." Scott chuckled.

"Alan! Gordon! Get MAX and get Virgil to his room!" Scott called over his shoulder, grabbing Sam's wrist and led her to the bathroom, where she promptly threw up in the toilet.

As Sam laid her head against the cabinet, Emma stuck her head in.

"Scott, they need some help. Apparently two boys and a robot aren't enough to get Virgil up those stairs," she said smiling at her husband. Scott kissed Emma on his way passed and she took his spot on the edge of the bath tub.

Sam groaned as she felt her stomach churn again. 

"Here," Emma said handing Sam some medicine, " this stuff helps a lot with vomting. Trust me I should know."

Virgil woke up to a hand on his wrist and a claw on his butt.

"One, two, he..."

"Woah, stop, I'm up!" Virgil shouted and cringed at the volume. "Ugh, hangover." Alan laughed at him.

"Yeah, Sam said you got drunk on rice!" Virgil glared at the blond.

"Fermented. Rice. Wine. You can't drink rice, Alan."

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