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Scott and Emma

The pair loves the litte pecks they give each other. Wether its the quickest kiss while racing to save someone or a slightly longer kiss good night, the smallest kisses mean the most to them.

Virgil and Sam

Sam's smaller size makes it difficult for Virgil to kiss her, but he found a soltion. He simply lifts her up to his level and pasionitly kisses her. His strength lets them stay like that for a long time.

John and Melody

Being space makes it some times hard to kiss, so they found that blow kisses works for them. When on earth, John suffers from gravity sickness a lot. Melody is always next to him and kisses his hands when he feels miserable. 

Gordon and Alice

These two don't care how they kiss, but surpise is the best way to do it. Jumping out of the pool for a quick peck, dipping Alice for a long passionate kiss and kissing Alice's forehead are some of Gordon's favorites. Jumping carefully on Gordon's back to kiss his cheek, dancing up to him for a romantic kiss, and sneaking kisses in when they cuddle are Alice's favorites. 

Alan and Ann Maire

Kissing upside down. Hey, it the curse of the web heads. But it works for them, so they don't care. Ann doesn't mind hanging off of walls or ceilings to snag some kisses from her boyfriend. 

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