CHAPTER 8: Choice

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Days flipped by quickly like pages of an old book. Then dad might be dead right now. Sure, who doesn't die eventually anyway? The mission is done. We have no future there.

But we have to keep moving.

I was finally convinced to apologize to the man for the sake of the guilt and for saving me.

Well, I mean not like saying sorry, okay? I showed my sincere apology by trying to agree to most of the things he tells us.

As sincere as it could be.

And pretty much trying to enjoy myself without slashing zombies' throats. I missed it though, but I want to spend this time learning how to be open up to others.

But it doesn't mean that it includes Chanyeol. He never really talk to me or approach me if not necessary and as much as possible I planned to avoid him for any intrusions anyway so we're good. I just feel like it. The farther the better. No investment of feelings or commitments. Hell no, not like a relationship but it's more like saving attachments together.

So, that's what always happens. I talk to Kai, Sehun, or pretty much anyone, but not Chanyeol. He's pretty private anyway.

And now we were in his office to discuss some of the things that needed to be polished. And while I'm listening about the agendas they have, I had unconsciously voiced my opinion.

Am I even allowed to talk?

"Why don't we take route 6 instead of route 4?" I asked. Sehun, Kai, Kris, Suho, and Chanyeol looked at me. Those are the names they introduced so, yeah.

And if you're asking why they're looking, it's because that's the first time I spit out an opinion.

First thing, I don't even know why they're including me in their private gathering but I'm starting to think that they officially accepted the fact that I volunteered to scavenge goods with them. I looked fully in contrast with their huge bulky bodies though, but man, looks can be deceiving.

And besides, I don't want myself knowing that there's something bad that came up and that we will have to suffer with it while I'm not doing anything.

"I mean, you guys said that route 4 is clear, as well as route 6 and that you've been using 4 as the passage in and out on all the scavenging. Isn't it dangerous that the walkers might follow the tracks? That we were unconsciously drawing them and leading them to where we are?" I asked. Looking at Chanyeol.

"Well, the chick talks." Of course, Kim fucking Jongin have, have always something to say with his fucking grin.

So I have good reason to glare at him.

"And the dog barks." I shot back with a sassy smile. He just chuckled.

"Stop it. Besides he has a point." Sehun exclaims seriously and so the attention is drawn to Chanyeol. Waiting for his response.

"But isn't it a far route for us to use? Besides the fact that gas is a big deal for travel. We don't know if it's still safe there." Kai stated.

"Don't worry, zombies only eat brains. You're completely safe." I spat at him, rubbing his upper arm, earning chuckles from most of them.

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