Chapter 6

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I was extremely excited that Liam Payne asked me to be his girlfriend. I mean me, a girl with no friends who is quite socially awkward is a famous boy's girlfriend? This is very unreal for me. 

"So obviously you boys get asked this a lot, but who's single?" The interviewer asked.

I sat on a couch across from them watching them all blush.

"Well, I am taken." Liam began.

"Yes, we saw the tweet yesterday. Her name is Audrey?" 

"Yeah, she is sitting right over there." He said pointing torwads me.

"Please come sit over here." The interviewer offered.

I stood up very nervously and walked over to the couch. I stood there awkwardly; my back to the camera because there was no where to sit. Liam patted his lap motioning for me to sit down. I accepted his offer and sat down on his right thigh. 

Most girls would be self concious about doing this, but I am a gymnast so I am quite skinny and short. I weigh about 90 pounds and am 5'4. But I am all muscle, not those skin and bones kinds of girls. Heck I have a six pack! 

"I'm sorry what?" I asked as Liam flicked my back.

"I asked you what it's like to be Liam's girlfriend." The interviewer said annoyed.

"Oh yeah, sorry....It's well different then any other relationship I've ever had." I said quitely.

"Different how?" The interviewer asked; now suddenly interested. 

"Well I was talking to Liam over the Internet and I didn't know he was Liam Payne. He was using a fake name to cover his identity. But anyways, we kind of hit it off and started dating. But the relationship is different because I know like everything about the guy, but all he knows about me, is my name and a bunch of other little stuff." I said weirdly. 

I could feel Liam tense up and I realized I might not have said the right thing.

"What do you mean by this?" The interviewer proceeded. 

"Well because I am a fan of One Direction and all of there secrets are over the internet. They have nothing to hide, and no more secrets to tell. Everything to know about them, is posted online. But with me, all of secrets and hobbies, and favorites, and pet peeves, are all still inside me waiting to be known. So it's weird that I know everything about him, but he hasn't like broken down my walls yet I guess." I realized I may have gotten a little personal, and I hoped Liam wouldn't get mad. I really need to save this.

"So is your relationship affected by this?" She dug a little deeper.

"No because Liam is a great guy, and I am excited to share my life with him. I want him to know as much about me, as I know about him." I said smiling.

"Well that's all the time we've got for today! Bye everyone." The interviewer yelled.

I hoped off of Liams lap and stood in the room with them. All of the interviewers and camera people filed out of the room leaving me alone with the rest of the guys.

"Well that went well." I said hopeful that they would agree.

"You got a little personal, don't you think?" Liam sounded annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth." I mumbled. 

Sensing that this was going to be a fight, Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn left the room. Great, alone with Liam while he's mad at me. Thanks guys.

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