Nnoitra Gilga One shot

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I slowly walked around trying to do two things: one avoid Grimmjow and two find Nnoitra. I was avoiding Grimmjow.....well because he was very annoying and I swear he keeps trying to rape me...okay that wasn't the truth, he keeps trying to fight me. I was attempting to find Nnoitra because I wanted to play a game that Ggio had suggested and explained to me.

I had made sure my spiritual pressure was low as I got to Nnoitra's room. I knocked silently before looking left and right making sure Grimmjow wasn't going to pop out from nowhere, which he frequently did. When I didn't get a response from inside the room I put my hand on the door knob. This was dangerous territory and walking in without permission from the owner made it all the more deadly. To go in or not to go in, that is the question

I looked to my left and saw a streak of blue which caused me to quickly go into the room and shut the door. Hahahaha not even Grimmjow has the balls to invade Nnoitra's personal space. I turned and looked around since I had never been in his room, huh I was expecting blood smears and dead bodies but instead I got a clean neat room, interesting.

I noticed the sound of a shower and smacked my forehead fuck he was in the shower. Damn it, I creaked the door opened a little seeing Grimmjow smirking leaning against the opposite wall casually with his arms crossed.

"Hey Snowflake." He said. "Having fun in Nnoitra's room?"

"You're so evil." I mumbled.

"I know." He smirked. "So you going to come out and fight me?" he asked.

I closed the door quickly, yes I could easily outrun Grimmjow but I stood no chance with him standing right there. I heard the shower turn off and looked around nervously. Damn. Damn. Damn damn. What was I suppose to do?

I smirked and quickly darted to a spot to hide and steadied my breathing. Okay so now just wait until he leaves his room and th- I screamed when the door was flung open causing Nnoitra's eyes to widen, or well eye. his expression turned angry when he realized that I was in his closet.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with narrowed eyes...eye.

Nnoitra and I had a very complicated relationship. You see we both did not hate each other, actually we were quite fond of each other. But Nnoitra did have boundaries and being in his room without his permission was one of his boundaries especially since I was in his closet.

"I was just umm. Admiring the view of the sky." What the fuck was that? "However seeing as I can't see anything I'll just be going now." I said trying to get passed him but he grabbed the back of my collar before pulling me back to his face, my feet dangling off the ground, damn my shortness. "please don't hurt me." I muttered closing my eyes.

"Yuri." Nnoitra sighed angrily. "Why are you in my fucking room?"

I opened my eyes to see his close. Yep he was so close to exploding and hurting me severely.

"Okay. Well. I wanted to show you this cool game Ggio taught me so I knocked on your door and you didn't answer. And Grimmjow was coming so I came in. I thought you would kill me so I hid from you when the shower stopped." I rushed out.

He opened his eyes and looked at me before putting me down sighing. I bit my lip nervously.

"What game?" he asked.

"Shouldn't you put cloths on?" I asked noticing he was just in a towel.

"Yuri what is the damn game?"

"Right." I nodded pulling out a Pocky from the box in my hands. "You see we eat this and whoever eats more wins." I said putting it in my mouth.

"And I eat the other end?" he asked. I nodded. "Okay."

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