Marco Bott One Shot

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I moaned into my pillow and curled up into a ball. Why me? I groaned as there was a knock on my door.

"Go away."

"Sweety Marco's here." I groaned in reply. "You can go ahead in."

"Thank you Mrs. Samson."

"Please call me Rachel."

My door shut causing me to look over seeing Marco standing there with a plastic bag in his hand. I huffed and slowly turned my body to face him. I groaned and panted my bed. He smiled and quickly came into my bed. I snuggled into his side and circled into a ball.


"Cramps." I confirmed.

"Here I can help." Marco said and started massaging my tense muscles. I moaned in pain and pleasure. "Better?" I nodded "What did you do to deserve me?" he teased.

"I don't know and I don't really care at the moment." I sighed in relief as my muscles relaxed complete taking away 70% of the pain. I kissed Marco's bicep causing him to chuckled. "So what's in the bag?" I asked.

"Hmm." He smiled down at me. "Double fudge brownie ice cream." He answered pulling the tub of ice cream out of the bag.

"I'm so in love with you Marco."

"I know. I'm in love with you too." He said kissing me lightly on the lips. "Now. Let's eat some ice cream!" He exclaimed opening the tub."Ah!" he said holding a spoon of ice cream to my mouth.

I opened my mouth and he started feeding me the ice cream. Every once in a while he would take a spoonful.

"So what else is in the bag?"

"Lion King One and Two. Along with Frozen."

"I'm keeping you forever." I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I hope so because you'll have to deal with me forever either way." He said feeding me another bite of ice cream. "Now I gotta get up so I can put in Frozen."

"You know me too well." I laughed letting him go.

As he got up to put the movie in I leaned over and grabbed the bag to see what other goodies he had. Twizzlers, soda, Marshmellows, a velvet box, sour patch ki-, wait what. I grabbed the velvet box and opened it almost dropping it. I squeaked and starred at the ring inside of it.

"Marco" I slowly said looking up seeing him standing there looking nervous. "Is this a..." I trailed off.

"No" he quickly said his face turning bright red.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Well." He said coming over to me from my tv. "We've been going since we were thirteen, which means that three years." I nodded. "And I just. It's shorta a promise to ring." He stammered. "I didn't expect you to find it. And I just."

"But. Marco." I said looking back at the ring. It was silver and at the top was a little twist with a small diamond in the middle of it. "This is your mom's engagement ring." I said looking back a him. He sighed at sat down on the bed. "Marco?"

"I know she would want the love of my life to have it. And you are the love of my life but I know we're too young to be engaged so I though I could use it as a promise ring."

"What's the promise?"

"That we'll get engaged one day."

"Okay." I nodded.


"I said okay. I just got scared because I though you were going to propose and I'm definitely not ready for that." I said slowly slipping the ring on. "Perfect fit." I smiled. "I love you Marco."

"I love you too, Willow."

He leaned down and kissed me. I pulled away and groaned curling into a ball.

"I hate being a girl." I whined.

"Come on it can't be that bad."

"Have Levi kick you in the balls then you will feel my pain." I groaned.

"I'm glad I'm not a girl."

"If I was a boy would you be gay for me?" I moaned.

"Of course baby." He said laying down and pulling me into him.

"Sleep over?" I asked looking up at him.

"Hmmm". He grabbed something. "Yes." He nodded. "Open up."

I smiled and opened my mouth. He fed me the spoonful of ice cream and I smiled. Marco was my savior.

(Her freckled Jesus)

Anime Lemons/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora