Renzo Shima(Shima) One Shot

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"Shima!" I yelled angrily. The pinkette froze and looked over his shoulder. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I said running to him. I dove for him but was caught by the back of the collar. "Gah! let me go!" I said

"Why are you going to kill him?" Bon asked.

"Because he took my underwear!"

"No I didn't!" Shima said.

"Oh really?" I asked. "Then who did?" I saw Rin slowly walking away. "You did didn't you!"

"It was only a dare I swear." Rin said.

"Seeing Rin being beaten is okay with me." Bon said letting me go.

I quickly pounced on Rin. He gasped as we hit the ground.

"Ah come on! it's not a big deal!"

"It's not but you took my red laced ones!" I growled. '"Where are they?"

"Red...laced." I looked seeing Shima with a dazed look on his face. "She looks good in red and she looks good in lace so she must look fantastic in red lace." He sighed dreamily.

"Why do you go out with him?" Bon asked.

"Because...I'm not so sure actually." I laughed. "Anyway." I said looking back at Rin. "Where are they?"

"They no longer exist." He squeaked.

"Gah! what! I'm so going to kill you!"

"Baby!" Shima said. "I got an idea why don't we go shopping!" I looked at Shima like he was going insane. "We can buy you new laced panties!"

"You really want to go shopping?" I asked

"As long as you promise to give me a show later." He said winking.

"Ah! Gross!" Bon and Rin said.

"Okay!" I said getting off of Rin.

"You two are too opened about your sexual life." Rin said.

"Really I've never noticed." I giggled as Shima wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Weren't you going to kill him a minute ago."

"Yeah only because I thought he took my favorite underwear." I said.

"Come on we gotta go before class starts." Shima whispered in my ear.

"Shima we don't have class." Bon said.

"That's even better!" Shima exclaimed sneaking his hands under my shirt.

"OKAY STOP IT! THAT'S GROSS!" Rin shouted.

I stopped giggling and Shima's hands froze on my stomach. We both looked at Rin before looking at each other.

"Do you find this gross?" I asked looking back at Rin.


"Then why do I always find you starring at my cleavage?" I asked.

"Wha- I don't." Rin said getting all red. "and if you know that I do maybe you shouldn't dress Sooo. Showy." He defended.

"Yeah why do you let her sees so revealing anyway?" Bon asked.

"It's sexy." Shima shrugged.

"Anyway." I said pulling Shima's hands from my shirt. "Let's go Shima!" I said grabbing his hands.

"Oh yeah right. See ya later guys."

~ ~ ~ ~

"Do you want to go hang out with the boys?" I asked as we got back on campus.

Anime Lemons/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora