Ichigo Kurosaki One Shot

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I flinched when there was a crash followed by more shouting. I sighed and closed the text book and got off of my bed. I walked to my closet pulling on my favorite red hoodie and putting on my converse. I grabbed my phone and iPod before leaving my room and going down the steps. I took a peek into my kitchen seeing that my mother and father were fighting. I sighed and left he house. I put my ear buds in and started walking away from my house. I stuffed my hands into my hoodie pocket as heart by heart started slowly playing into my ears. Suddenly it started raining so I started jogging. I stopped at the house I was going to and knocked on the door taking my ear bud out of my left ear.

"Rieko!" Yuzu said once she saw me.

"Is Ichigo home?" I asked.

"No. But come in." She smiled. I nodded and walked in. I slipped my shoes off. "He should be home soon. He went to the store. You know where his room is."

"Thanks Yuzu." I said before darting up the stairs.

I quickly went into his room and looked around, indeed he wasn't here. I shut the door and went over to the closet. I knocked on it before opening it, no Rukia. Shrugging I shut the door and went over to his desk. I sat down in his wheels chair and took my iPod and phone out of my pocket.i pulled my wet hoodie off and hung it on the back of his chair.

I cocked my eyebrow when I noticed a book opened on his desk. Granted it wasn't big but seeing a book actually opened on his desk that wasn't from school was odd. Curiosity got to me and I looked at the cover making sure not to loose Ichigo's page. 'Ways to Show Her Your Love.'

"What the hell." I mumbled opening the book up and placing it back down. "He's an odd one." I said swiveling the seat back and forth.

Suddenly I felt a very familiar spiritual pressure. I quickly got up and darted out his room. I skidded to a halt at his front door and put my shoes on.

"Rieko is everything alright?" Yuzu asked.

"Yeah. I'll be back." I said running out the door. Thankfully it had stopped raining. My feet quickly took me towards the spiritual pressure. "shit." I said when I saw a hollow holding Ichigo tightly. I quickly took my shoe off and threw it at the hollow. "Hey Ugly!"Once it turned it's head I shot my other shoe at it hitting it's face.

It dropped Ichigo who groaned. He said something but I couldn't hear him over the thudding of the hollow coming over to me. I snapped my fingers but nothin happened. I quickly snapped my fingers again but came up with the same results.

I quickly turned and started running away from the hollow. My mind came up with two reasons why my power didn't work. The air was too moist for me to use them or I lost them, most likely the first one. I ended up at a park and gasped as the hollow's hand caught me.

"Hmm you're soul seems tasty." It said.

"Damn it let go."i growled wiggling in it's hand.

The hollow suddenly split in half marking fall. I was caught before I hit the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Ichigo exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at him.

"Why the hell did you do that?" he asked not putting me down.

"Just giving you my assistance, seemed like you needed it." I said as he started flash stepping to his house.

"Well you could've gotten killed!"

"But I didn't." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "I had my knight in shining armor there to protect me." I said as he snuck into his room from his window. "Where's Kon?" I asked as he sat me down.

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