Eren Jeager Lemon *Requested*

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Requested by: Destiny723

I sighed and laid my head on the table watching everyone laughing and what not. I sighed again and watched as Reiner clapped Connie on the back making him stumble forward slightly. Everyone seemed so happy and they should be but its...not right to celebrate right now, or at least not for me right now. My head went to the side and I looked at the cup in my hand.

"Hey! Come on over Alice!" I look over seeing Reiner waving me over to the group. I sighed picking up my head and chugging down the rest of the warm cider before getting off the bench I was sitting on and sulkily went over to the group. "That a girl!" He said clapping me on the back and making me fall forward and crash into something, no someone. We ended up crashing to the floor and my face turned a tinge red as I lifted my head from their warm chest. My mouth slightly opened when I looked into the green eyes.

"Sorry, Eren." I muttered standing up and reaching down to help him. I did and quickly let go of his hand and tried to escape the small crowd. "Jesus Christ." I muttered as I got into the hallway. I held my chest as my heart beat frantically. "Now is not the time to think of this." I scolded myself.

I quickly walked down the hall and made it to the dorms. I fell to my knees in front of my chest and opened it up taking out my coat. I slipped it on before going back through the hall. I made it to the door and looked up at the sky as the snow came down and fell on the ground. My boots crunches in the semi frozen snow as I walked around the base bored.

I sneezed as the wind started picking up. I rubbed noise furiously trying to warm it up so it didn't turn red. I sighed and stop to lean against the building. I wrapped my around myself trying to keep warm.

"You know the party's inside." I jumped and shrieked at the sudden voice. I looked over seeing Eren standing there. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."I shrugged and looked to the other side letting my crimson red hair fall over my shoulder. "Hey Alice."

"Yeah?" I asked trying to calm down my beating heart.

"Why do you seem so, sad?" I stayed quiet. "You're always the happiest one out of everyone, even Sasha."

"Because...." I trailed off before looking over at Eren. "It's my first Christmas without Anthony." I said looking up at the sky. "We...always spent the holidays with each other. Ya know and it's just weird without him here."

"Alice." Eren said.

"Yeah?" I asked not looking from the sky.

"I.... I promised your brother something before he died." Eren started causing me to slowly look at his beat red face. "I.... I've I've been too nervous to keep it and I realize that's not far totally fair to you because you need someone and I ju-"

"Eren." I laughed stopping him. "What ever you promised him you don't have to do be-"

"No I do." Eren said walking over to me and caging me on causing me to freeze. "I promised him that if he died I would take care of you and tell you that I love
you." Eren whispered in my ear.
I felt my heart stop beating. "I've been selfish and you need to know that your not alone and that I'll take care of you know since Anthony isn't here. You don't have to be tough around me, I'll understand your pain." He said his hand taking my wrist and pushing up my sleeve. "You need to let your emotions out in a more positive outlet, enough with dealing with your pain alone. I know it's hard because you've always had Anthony with you, I can't imagine loosing Mikasa and she's my adoptive sister so loosing your twin must've made you feel vulnerable and empty."

"And abandoned." I choked out as tears fell down my face. Eren looked up from my wrist. "I was so angry." I said looking into his green eyes. "I was angry that Anthony had left me. I mean how could he just leave and not even fight to stay alive." I cried fisting my hands. "Then. Then I was disgusted at myself for thinking that he would just leave me and how selfish it was of me to not even think about how he would feel if I was angry at him." I said closing my eyes. "When I was little I always wished I wasn't a twin, I didn't have my own birthday, people could only tell us apart because of our gender, and we were always addressed as Alice and Anthony Backer as if we were one person." I opened eyes and looked towards the snowy ground. "But now that I will have my own birthday, it just doesn't feel right and I hate it. I don't want my own birthday, I want Anthony to be there blowing out the sixteen candles with me, I want him there so we can smash cake in eachothers faces like always."

"Alice." Eren said tilting my head up. "It's okay." He said kissing me lightly. "It's okay to feel this way. Just remember I'll be right here for you. I know I'm not Anthony, but you won't have to be alone anymore."


"This is so stupid." I sighed as Eren and I were forced into the closet. "You think they would be more mature." I laughed sitting down on the floor.

"Hey you agreed to play this too." Eren laughed sitting down next to me.

"Well since we're in the closet." I smirked pushing Eren into the corner. He looked at me with wide eyes as I made him spread his legs while I pulled down his pajama pants. "And we agreed." I hooked my fingers into his boxers and moved farther in between his legs. "We should play." I finished pulling down his boxers.

"Wait Al-" he voice was lost as I took his tip into my mouth. "Alice." He moaned hitting his head into the corner of the walls.

My tongue went licked his slit before I took more of him in my mouth. I looked up at him to see him looking at me with the most pleasurable face, it was adorable. My mouth went up and down and whatever I couldn't take in my right hand covered and my left do fondled his balls. He through his head back into the corner and moaned as my tongue flicked the under side of penis.

"Wow sounds like they're really getting into it." Jean's voice said from the other side of the door.

"SHUT UP!" I barked pulling away from Eren causing him to groan at the lost. "Sorry." I whispered kissing his tip.

"It's fine it's fine but please just." His hips made a small gesture forward.

"Hmm." I hummed after he was in my mouth again.

I began bobbing up and down. The pants that he was doing told me that he was close. I hummed again while letting my teeth teasingly scrape him slightly. He shot his load in my mouth and I swallowed. I pulled away and closed my one eye as he shot some on the left side of my face.

"I'm so sorry." Eren said flustered. Suddenly the door was banged open and we both looked towards the door seeing Levi "uh. Uh sir."

While looking in Levi's eyes and wiped my face and looked him in the eye as I licked the cum off my fingers. My eyes sparkled with mischief when I saw the small tent in his pants.

"Is there a problem sir?" I asked blinking innocently up at him.

"My office now Backer." Levi said looking at me with his steely gray eyes. "Jeager brat clean this up then go to bed." He said not breaking eye contact with me.

"See you later Eren." I said kissing him on the lips.

I quickly got up and darted after Levi.

And done what do you think? Should I make Alice have hot steamy oral sex (or an sex for that matter) with Levi? 😉

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