Renji Abarai One Shot

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"Niisan." I muttered from behind him causing my brother to look back at me.

"You will be fine Katsumi." He said noticing my worried look.

I followed behind him trying to seems a small as possible. I didn't like being noticed often. My brother stopped causing me to bump into him.

"Gomen Niisan." I muttered quickly.

"You are fine." He said waving me off.

"BROTHER!" I heard a familia voice shout. "You came."I peeked my head out seeing Rukia standing there with a smile on her face. When she saw me her face brightened up more. "KATSUMI!" She exclaimed. "You came too! are you feeling better?."

I nodded and slowly stepped out from Byakuya. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Byakuya. I looked back nervously seeing him just waving me off. I gasped and tripped causing Rukia to land on her stomach with me on her back.

"Gomen Neesan." I muttered standing up with my head down.

"Katsumi!" a voice yelled before I was squished into a chest. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

I struggled to look up and blushed when I noticed I was being hugged my Rangiku. I escaped her hold and stood here awkwardly. Someone cleared their throat causing me to look up. I bit my inner cheek as I saw Renji there, he was in his gigai like everyone else since we were in the world of the living.

"Hey." He said with his hands in his pockets.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Oh why don't you guys just kiss already." Ichigo said.

I gasped loudly and turned away from everyone with my hands on my face. I had an oversized red sweater on so it covered my hands with black leggings and red converse on. Personally I loved my gigai cloths. I had black long hair that traveled down to my waist with bangs that covered my left !eye and kenseikan on the right side of my head. I had bright cyan eyes that surprise a lot of people.

"Ichigo stop embarrassing Katsumi!" Rukia exclaimed.

I was quiet like my brother but in different ways. I was just really shy and nervous all the time while he was cold and unsocial.

"Kat-chan!" I moved my hands seeing Yachiru latching onto my leg. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I said gently.

I had gotten very sick and had to go back home to recover. It's been a long month and half.

"Byakushi said you had gotten very sick!" she exclaimed. "So I had made you this!" she exclaimed waving a piece of paper at me.

I blinked and reached down taking the paper out d her hands. I smiled and saw that it was a rough drawling of her and what I assumed was Kenpahi with the words get well soon written above them. I looked down at her.

"I love it." I said.

"Byakushi wouldn't let me go visit you." She exclaimed jumping up on Kenpachi's shoulders. "But I see you're all better now!"

"I'm sure this picture would've made me get better quicker." I promised her.

"Yay! Did you hear that Kenny!" she exclaimed.

I turned around giggling at her excitement. I suddenly had a coughing fit and Byakuya was next to me in an instance.

"I knew you shouldn't have left." He said seriously.

"I'm fine." I said clearing my throat. I wasn't exactly completely healed. I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "I needed fresh air anyway." I muttered.

"Brother is right. If you're still sick you shouldn't have left the manor." Rukia said from next to me.

Anime Lemons/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora