Pluto Lemon

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I purred and rolled onto my back. The man with the red eyes and black hair looked at me with his mouth slightly opened and a blush on his cheeks. I mewed at him and he quickly picked me up. I purred and rubbed my face against his.

"So perfect." He whispered. Suddenly I was grabbed and thrown. I meowed loudly and landed on my feet hissing. There was a naked man clinging to the dark haired one. "Pluto." The man sighed.

I felt my body change and I crossed my arms angrily. The man starred at me wide eyed but I just pouted. My tail flicked in agitation.

"HEY! I HAD HIM FIRST!" I shouted going over to the silver haired man known as 'Pluto'. "Get off!" I exclaimed pulling Pluto off of the dark haired man. I tackled the man to the ground and wrapped my arms around his neck nuzzling his face. "Mine." I whispered.

"What are you" The man asked causing me to look at him.

"A hell cat." I said.

"Ah yes." He said stroking my long orange hair causing me to purr. "A demon that can turn into two felines that they were destined to by birth." He stated. "The only thing that separates you from taking a regular human form would be your tail. A true work of art." He sighed.

There was a whining which made me turn my head to Pluto. I clung to the male and hissed at the stupid hell hound. He trotted over to us and clung onto the man's arm. My eyes softened before I cuddled into the man's chest. I guess I'll allow him that much.

"What is your name?" I asked the male.

"Sebastian." He said. "Do you have a name?" he asked looking down at me.

"Echo." I said.

There was a loud boom causing Sebastian to sigh loudly.he stood up taking me with him so I was clinging into him. He placed his hands under my butt as he walked into the giant house leaving a whining Pluto. I stuck my tongue out at the dog. Haha filthy mutt.

"What is going on in here?" the man asked walking into the kitchen. I looked around, looked like dynamite had been set off.

"I'm sorry Sebastian the cookies were baking too slow so I though I could use dynamite to make them go faster." I pulled away from Sebastian and walked towards the guy carefully. He saw me and started blushing. "Why hello there!"

"Hi." I said touching his hair since it was an Afro. "Is your hair always like this."

There was a crash causing me to jump and cling onto the man. He was startled himself and fell over do to the random weight. Sebastian sighed again.

"Come on Echo." he said.

I quickly got up and followed him out the kitchen.

"Oh. I'm in big trouble yes I am yes I am." A weird dorky voice said.

"Mey-Rin what happened?" Sebastian asked looking down at the broken plates.

"I was running in the hall, yes I was, and I tripped and fell."

"I've told you many times not to run in the halls."

"Yes you did sir."

"Oh my! You're bleeding." I said going over to her. "Here let me help." I said placing a hand over her but arm. My hand started to glow red and the cut sealed itself. "All better." I smiled.

"You're naked yes you are yes you are." She stated blushing madly before getting a nose bleed.

I frowned and my tail curled around my torso. I felt myself change and I was the orange tabby cat I was before. I made a dejected sound before trotting over to Sebastian weaving through his legs.

Anime Lemons/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora