Eren Jeager Lemon

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My eyes zeroed onto my target. I released my hooks and reshot it. It embedded into a building and I shot myself forward. When I got closer to my targets I released the hooks and spin around slicing into the neck of the two titans. My hooks reconnected and I lowered myself to the ground. Suddenly the earth began to shake.


At the words my hooks went into the buildings. I waited as the shaking grew. A titan ran around the corner ignoring the soldiers chasing it down. I shot myself forward into the air. When I got high enough I released my hooks and twirled so I was facing the titan's back as it continued to run. My hook shot into it's head and brought me forward. With one swipe the titan went down and I kept standing on it's neck as it fell forward.My eyes twinkled and I gave a sky smile as the other survey corps troops landed next to me out of breath.

"Thank you squad leader Parker." One said.

"No probably." I said nodding a them. I saw another titan. "Keep up if you can." I said shooting off.

Angel Parker the most clumsiest human you will ever meet in your life. Always causing accidents always tripping on nothing. She never pays attention and is frequently day dreaming. However you put her in he air and she'll be flawless. You give a mission in the field and she'll perform it with little to no casualties. She is one of humanities best.

" I'm sorry corporal." I said quickly. "Here let me help." My wrist was caught. "C-corporal?" I asked

"Don't touch me, brat." He hissed throwing my arm back at me.

"But I. I. I."

"Stop stuttering cadet." Levi said crouching down to get in my face.

"Sorry corporal!" I exclaimed.

"Why at you yelling in my face?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I squeaked, I was going to die. "Tch, brat." I turned to leave but a hand grabbed my shoulder. "did I say you could leave cadet?"

"Sorry!" I said turning around and stumbling into his chest. "Sorry." I muttered backing up and tripping over my feet. I hit something with a thud before falling in my ass. I looked at Levi who was now covered in food. "C-corporal?"

"Brat." He said shoving his foot on my head causing my face to go into the floor. "I'm filthy because of you. I want fifteen laps tomorrow mornings at six o'clock sharp."

His foot disappeared and I subtly looked up seeing Levi darting out of the canteen. I gulped, I had spilled my drink on him and it ended up like this.

"Fucking damn bastard." A familiar voice said before I saw a pair of boots in front of my face. I looked up seeing Eren. "Are you okay Angel?" he asked looking down at me.

"Yeah." I nodded sitting back up.

"Come with me." Eren said holding out his hand.

Eren helped me up and lead me to the infirmary. Ignoring the working nurses he quickly grabbed a medical kit and opened it, scratching his head in confusion.

"Eren?" I asked going over to him. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nosebleed." He answered.

"Don't worry I'm fine." I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Sit." He demanded I rolled my eyes but complied.

"Did you just get back from the field?" I asked looking at his attire which was the uniform.

"Yes." He said. "About just in time to see Levi banging your face in the floor." He said whipping under my nose.

"It's really my fault." I muttered. "I'm a cluts."

Anime Lemons/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora