Soul Evans Lemon

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"TSUBAKI I LOVE YOU!" I shouted excitedly grabbing the container of cut up watermelon. i picked my head up and rose an eyebrow. "Tsubaki? BlackStar?" I asked placing the container on the counter. "Hmmm what's this?" I asked myself taking a note off the microwave. "Mandy we have a mission." I read out loud. "Oh that's why I wasn't woken up by BlackStar."

I quickly got a bowl out along with a fork. I opened he container and put some diced up watermelon into the bowl. After I put the lid back on, I placed the ware watermelon back into the fridge. I started eating my watermelon when there was a knock on the door. I sighed and went to the front door. I opened it and felt my face go red.

"Hi Soul. BlackStar isn't here." I said.

I felt so awkward. I had feelings for Soul and we actually had been together two months ago but he broke it off so I've been avoiding him and the group, besides Tsubaki and BlackStar who I lived with.

"I know. Kid wants to know if you wanna go paint balling with us since it's an odd number."

"Uh." I looked down at my entire. I was in fuzzy pajama shorts and a tank top. "Sure just give me a minute or two." I trailed off looking back up at him.


"I regret every fucking choice I made about this." I muttered hiding behind a tree.

I was on a team with Patty and Liz, now they were amazing with a gun but....Kid was better and he had two paint ball guns. I mean what the fuck, he would be the only one to be allowed to do that. Luckily I got a chance to shoot Maka earlier in the game which just left Kid and Soul. I peeked over the side of the of the tree.

"Looking for someone." I quickly whirled around pointing my gun at Soul. "Woah put you're weapon down."

"Why should I."

"Maybe because I've been watching for five minutes and sent Kid the opposite direction. Plus I'm unarmed."

"Fine." I huffed putting my gun down next to his. "What do you want? "Suddenly I was tackled to the ground. "What are you doing?"

"You know." He said, ignoring my last statement. "You looked really sexy in those pajamas today." He said putting leaning on his forearms which were on either side of my head. His body was flushed against mine and he was settled in between my legs. "Almost like you were teasing me."

Soul started to kiss my neck and grind into me. Even with the protective padding I could feel his bulge against me. I closed my eyes in pleasure.

"S-Soul." I whispered quietly. "Wait. We can't."

"Hmm?" he asked unzipping my pants and looking at me. "I'm sure we can." He said popping the button of my pants.

"But. Kid." I said as he pulled my pants to the middle of my thighs since he knew we didn't have enough time. " he could come any minute now."

"Hmm." He said pulling my panties down before working on his own pants. "We'll be fine." He said giving me a smirk. "This is so cool ya know, knowing how dangerous this could be."

"Wait." I said as he gripped his boxers. "You don't have a condom."

"Babe" He laughed reaching someone and pulling out a silver package. "I'm always prepared."

He placed the package in between his teeth and his fingers traced my core causing my breath to hitch. He smirked and pulled his boxers down with his other hand as he finger entered me. I closed my eyes and moaned lightly. His finger disappeared and was replaced with something teasing my entrance.

"Soul." I hummed opening my eyes seeing his face closer to mine.

"Are you ready babe?" he asked. I slowly nodded and he thrusted into me causing me to moan lightly. "Hm. You're so tight Amanda." he groaned into my ear. "Babe I've missed you so much." He sighed and pulled out before thrusting back in. "So much. "

He started slowly thrusting into me causing me to let out a low moan ever now and then. My hands tangled into his white hair as he grunted into my ear lowly. My legs opened more on instinct and my hips started rocking to meet hair thrusts. My eyes closed in pleasure.

"I missed you too Soul." I gasped out as he hit a certain spot. "Oh." I moaned as he did it again.

"There it is, just were I remember it." He whispered kissing right below my ear. "does it make you feel good when I hit you're spot?"

"Yes." I groaned.

"Ow!" he exclaimed and stopped thrusting.

"This isn't the time to be doing this." My eyes slowly opened and I saw Kid a couple meters away from us with his gun pointed at us. "Well."

"Oh my-" my faces burned red and I hid into Soul's shoulder.

"That wasn't cool Kid." Soul said.

"Atleast I hit your calf which is protected by padding and not your ass. Which is nice and symmetrical by the way."

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY ASS!" soul shouted. Oh my god! This is not happened. Holy mother of god, I so wished I could disappear right now. "Go over there." Soul spoke.


There was a silent pause. I slowly took my face away from his shoulder as he pulled out. I quickly stood up and pulled my panties and pants up. I quickly buttoned and zipped them up. I turned around and bent down grabbing my gun. My hands quickly flew up to the tree to keep my balance as Soul gripped my hips and grind into me. he let me to and grabbed his gun. I grabbed my. I gulped and went to the other side of the tree firing on Kid.

"I wasn't ready." Kid sighed walking away sulking.

"I'll see you tonight." Soul whispered in my ear. "Or maybe after this. I could help you shower."

He squeezed my butt before following Kid.


Yeah. So that happened... write a second part or no?

Anime Lemons/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora