SasukexOcxItachi (AU) One Shot *Requested*

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Requested By: UroobAhmad

~AU! So i'm changing ages a bit, Sasuke is 17 and Itachi is 18.

~Got a problem with it don't read it.

~Hope you enjoy


~Tsuki's POV~

Was this really happening right now? I thought as he started kissing my neck roughly. I let out the deep breath I was holding in. My hands gripped his shirt as he started nipping and sucking now.

"ita-" I couldn't finish his name as a sudden shiver ran down my spine.

"Tsuki." He chuckled pulling away from me. "You have to be quiet so we don't get caught."

This was so nerve wracking, we were in the school's library in the back corner, where no one would see us unless they came around the corner. The non-fiction section, where no one usually comes.

"Wait." i gasped. "I can' this." i blushed beet red.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I'm sorry." I said slipping passed him and out of that section. I quickly escaped the library and turned the corner into the hallway only to bump into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"it's okay Tsuki."

"Sasuke-kun?" i asked looking up at the boy.

"Hey." He said. "Is something wrong?"

"N-no." i squeaked out feeling my face heat up more.

"You sure?"He asked.

"Positive." I said darting passed him only to have him catch my arm. "Sasuke-kun?"

" You know I'm always here if you need me."

"i know." I nodded.

He let me go and i darted away embarrassed. Sasuke was cold and mean, unless it came to me, which made me happy and it made me embarrassed too.


"Hey Tsuki." I tensed and looked back seeing Karin and Sakura coming into the bathroom.

"Hi..." I trailed off nervously.

To say they were jealous was an understatement, Sasuke would just brush them off but with me it was different. Ino was jealous too but when Sai had started taking an interest in her, things changed. I watched as they walked over to me with their hands behind their back. I looked at them cautiously and backed up a bit.

"So, we heard that you were making out with Itachi in the library today." Karin said with a huge smirk on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"Yup, we were told by itachi himself." Sakura added.

"Well, he lied." I whispered backing up some more as they continued to advanced. I hit the wall and my eyes darted back and forth trying to find an escape. "Uh..." I stuttered out.

"Really, even Sasori and Deidara confirmed it." Karin said.

"It's a big lie." I said slowly going towards the bathroom stall.

"Where ya going?" Karin asked stopping me in my tracks.

"Please leave me alone." I muttered.

"Hey Four eyes, Billboard brow leave Tsuki alone." I let out a deep breath seeing Ino standing at the door with crossed arms and Hinata beside her.

I quickly darted passed the two but Karin grabbed my arm causing me to stumble backwards and fall to the ground.

"What are you gonna do Ino?" Sakura asked.

Anime Lemons/One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora