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Hey @Kiddo_Star here is a surprise for you ;p

Khushi was shocked to hear the truth from Sheetal about Aarav being Arnav's son.

"Sheetalji how is this possible? Arnavji never told me about this." Khushi said in utter shock.

"Yes Khushi Aarav is Arnav's son. That night he was drunk and in all that mess we did that mistake which is not a mistake for me but for Arnav it is. When I came to know about my pregnancy I didnt tell Arnav about it because I was scared. What if he denies and compelles me to abort it. One thing I was sure of that I will not abort my child. And thats why I went away from Arnav's life." Sheetal said faking tears in her eyes.

Khushi felt as if some boulder has hit her. She couldn't comprehend anything. She was a mess. She was numb. 'What if Arnavji leaves me after knowing all this. No no Khushi Arnavji will never leave you. But then if he doesn't leave me then he wont be able to accept Aarav. And Aarav needs a father heck its his right to be with his father. How can I neglect that for my selfish reasons? But I cant live without Arnavji I will die. Hey Devi Maiya show me the right path please'

Khushi's monologue ended when Sheetal jerked her.

" Khushi please promise me that you will not tell anything to Arnav. Please Khushi." Sheetal pleaded her.

Khushi looked at her wide eyed.
"Are you out of your senses Sheetalji? How can I hide such a big truth of his life from him? He has the right to know." She shouted

"Try to understand Khushi. I don't want Arnav to know. Because  if he accepts Aarav then he'll leave you and I dont want to be the reason behind your separation. And what if he denies this? I wont be able to handle it Khushi. Aarav is my only reason to live. Please Khushi I beg you please dont tell anything to Arnav." She said while crying and jolting down on the bed.

"Okay" Khushi managed to say and left her room.

But her inner tornado didnt calm yet. She didnt know what to do. How to hide from Arnav and what if he really leaves her after that? She couldn't think rationally. She definitely needs someone to talk about it. And there is only one  person who knows Arnav better than Arnav himself. Yes she needs to talk.

She hurried to her room to somewhat calm her senses.


Here's the prologue of my new story. Feedbacks are welcomed. I dont know if it would be an SS or TS lets see. But I hope you like it.

Thank you for reading 💞

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