Chapter 6

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After leaving from NK's room Anjali and Khushi went to the orphanage from where Aarav was adopted. After all the difficulties they got a chance to meet the head. The employees there, got stiffened hearing Aarav's name and gave them strange looks.

They were waiting in the Head's cabin, hoping that she would help them. They waited for half an hour and finally she came. A woman in mid fifties with a solid personality and stiff posture. They greeted her and sat down with her on the opposite chair .

"Yes? How can I help you? Do you want to adopt a new born baby or a grown up one of about ten? We have children upto age of 15 only ma'am." She said in a sweet but extremely professional voice.

Khushi took a deep breathe and said with a smile "Actually ma'am we are not here to adopt a child, we are here to ask about a child who was adopted from here. We want to get some information."

The lady frowned at them. Adjusting her glasses she said "First of all I can't give you amy information about any child whether adopted or not. And secondly why do you want the information? You know right that it's illegal."

They were more nervous now. They knew it was illegal but this is the most important proof for them. Just by Aarav's words no one will believe that Aarav is adopted and moreover Sheetal would have manipulated Aarav by now to keep his mouth shut.

"Yes we know that it is illegal but ma'am please try and understand it is very very important for us to know the details. This is the only way to collect the proofs or else no one will believe us." Anjali tried to convince her though there was no effect on her.

After thinking for long the head said "What is the name of that child?"

"Aarav" they said in unison.

"Aarav?" She asked in a very surprised tone but then composing herself she said "I am sorry I can't help you in this. This is against the rules. I think more of my time is wasted, I have many important works to do. If you want to adopt a child then we are obliged otherwise I am of no help. Namaste."

With that she stood up and left. Khushi and Anjali were very disappointed. One by one all the gates were closed. They had no idea about what will happen in Greater Kailash house, they didn't get any proofs about Aarav and Sheetal was leaving no hints behind. In this situation, Aman was the only person to rely on.

While coming back home, they went to a temple nearby. Devi Maiya has always protected them and they knew she would protect them now also but a strange fear was gripping their heart.

'Hey Devi Maiya, only you are the one who has always helped me in fighting my evils. I believe in you and I know you won't let anything wrong happen to my Arnavji but there is an unknown fear of losing him. Today all my efforts have become zero. Please help me please protect my Arnavji.'

'Hey Devi Maiya, you have given my Chhote all the strength to become what he is today. You had helped and protected a 14 year old then and today also he needs you. Please protect him and save him from the evils of his life.'

Aman is their last hope and they hoped he won't disappoint.

After lunch, the ladies of the house were sitting in the living room and chatting about the party. They were having fruits and Mami was as always busy in her make up. Anjali, Khushi and Payal were busy deciding the theme of the party.

Suddenly Nani started hyperventilating. "Ahhh" she cried in pain.




"HHBB Sasuma ka huwa"

Everyone was shocked and in a minute they were by Nani's side. Khushi and Payal rubbed her back and Anjali made her drink water. She felt better after sometime and became normal.

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