Chapter 8

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"You were right, Khushi-ji." Anjali said making NK look at Anjali through the rear view mirror. "Aarav is at school." Anjali said calmly looking at NK and then turning her gaze towards Khushi who was engrossed in contacting Arnav.

Anjali dialled up the IGP, thanks to the well-known ASR image.

"Hello, am I speak to Deepak Sir?" Anjali spoke.

"It's Deepak speaking."

"Sir, it's me, Anjali Singh Raizada, ASR's sister." Anjali introduced herself, "Can you please reach there or send your trusted team to The Greater Kailash House? It is an emergency, please. Chhot--ASR is in trouble, please."

"Don't worry, ma'am, my team will be there as soon as possible." the IGP promised

"Please, Sir, soon. We don't have much time left. Please, Sir!" Anjali teared up.

"We will be there, ma'am. Just give me some time. I'll be there with my team." IGP said and disconnected the call to call his team.

Anjali closed her eyes in relief and looked at Khushi. Anjali placed her hand on Khushi's shoulder and trued assuring Khushi, "Don't worry, Khushi-ji. We won't let anything happen to Chhote. I promise you. He will be all safe and fine."

"Hmm" Khushi bobbled her head unanimously and redialled Arnav.

"Why the hell is Nannav not picking the call?" NK spoke his thought aloud.

"What if he has already reached there?" Khushi replied horrified.

"No! No! No! Nanhe-ji, please drive fast. As fast as you can. Please." Khushi hyperventilated woth worry. Anjali looked at Khushi with pity. She is the same girl who is scared of speed and yet, here, she is asking her brother-in-law to race the car. Anjali prayed to Devi Maiyaa to keep her Chhote safe. A lot of lives are attached to his and they can never afford losing him.

NK raced the car on, thankfully, the road with least traffic. "Just five more minutes and we'll be there." NK said looking into the google maps.

Khushi fixed her gaze on the front to spot Arnav's car. "There it is!" Khushi screamed looking at Arnav's parked SUV. NK brought the car to a screeching halt.

"I think we should wait till the police team comes?" Anjali suggested looking at their defenseless self.

"I guess you are- KHUSHI-JI!" NK yelled looking at Khushi getting off the car and making a run towards the house.

"Dammit!" NK banged his fist on the steering wheel and rushed to stop Khushi. It was absolute nonsense to go inside when they had nothing with them to help themselves. Anjali followed NK and tried making Khushi understand.

NK held Khushi back and tried talking her out, "Khushi-ji, it is useless. What will we do inside? We have nothing. We have to wait. We don't have a choice."


"Shhh! Please, Khushi-ji, we don't have to alert them." NK begged putting his palm on her mouth to stop her from screaming.

Khushi's tears fell from her eyes as she said defeatedly, "Arnav-ji is inside. He doesn't know what Sheetal is here for. I need to go inside. Please. I cannot wait here. Please. I have seen him being captivated once. Not again! Please."

NK's eyes filled up listening to her. She was right. She has gone through the similar hell in the past. He loosened his grip on Khushi who dashed towards the house followed by Anjali and NK.


Arnav parked his car slightly far from the location of Sheetal and walked towards the house making the least possible noise. Arnav shook his head at the continuously vibrating mobile in his pant and silenced it. He assumed it to be Khushi worried for Aarav. Only if he knew that his Khushi was worried but for him and not Aarav.

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