Chapter 1

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Khushi knew the only person who will understand her and help her solving all this mess is Anjali.
She knows and understands Arnav better than anyone in the family and she is with him right from his childhood. She can  definitely help her to sort this all. She cannot tell Arnav anything right now because then he'll think she doesnt trust him. And she doesnt want to create unnecessary misunderstandings again. So she went towards Anjali's room and knocked.

"Khushiji, you at this time. Is everything ok? You and Chhote had a fight again? God dont say yes please. Achha come in." Anjali said with a bit of concern because she saw Khushi's eyes held pain and worries.

She entered and Anjali closed the door.

"We didn't have a fight but everything is not ok Di" Khushi said having tears brimming in her eyes.

Anjali became worried. A fight with Arnav is still something which she was not that worried about, but she could see Khushi was a mess and that worried her the most.

She cupped her cheeks and said "What happened Khushiji? Tell me, I am also your sister please tell me I promise to help you in best way possible."

Khushi looked at her and immediately hugged her tightly and cried her heart out because she needed it so badly. She had to vent out. She cannot hide it or else this tornado will destroy her 'Chhoti si duniya' which was her everything.

"Di please help me. Please help me to come out of this. I dont know what to do Di. If I go away from him I'll die and if I dont then the guilt of not giving a child his right will eat me up. I cant choose any of this Di. Please help me" Khushi pleaded still in the hug and crying.

Anjali was hell worried now. She had never seen her so broken and crying like this. She knew right now Khushi needed her support and she'll surely support her and help her. Khushi has saved her life from that filthy human being. Because of Khushi she is a confident and independent woman today. She'll take her out of all this and help her and support her. But first she needs to calm her down and know what is the matter.

She caressed her hair and gave her the assurance that she is with her no matter what the situation is. She didn't tell her to stop crying because she knew that sometimes it is necessary to cry and vent out the emotions of our heart. Or else it'll eat us from inside. She just caressed her back and soothed her to calm her down and relax her.

After few minutes Khushi became calm and broke the hug. Tears were still rolling down. But she was composed and feeling better. Anjali made her sit on the bed and gave her water to drink. Once assuring that she is in the state to talk she said "Khushiji you know I am with you to fight with any difficulty right? Tell me what is the matter and what has happened that you are so broke? Dont worry and share it with me"

"Di Arnavji... I mean Aarav and Arnavji.... Sheetal told me that Arnavji Aarav" She was not able to complete the sentence even. Each word just broke her to millions of pieces. Her heart clawed and there were knots forming in the stomach.

Anjali was totally confused. She couldn't comprehend her words.
"Arnav Aarav? I cannot understand, what do you want to say Khushiji? Say it clearly please then only we can sort this out na"
She said pressing her palms lightly as to say that she supports her.

Khushi finally gathered up courage and said "Aarav is Arnavji's son Di. Arnavji is his father" and with that Khushi broke down again.

Anjali left Khushi's hand, her eyes widened in shock. "What are you saying Khushiji? Are you out of your mind? This is impossible. Chhote and Aarav's father. Who told you all this Khushiji? Tell me how did you find all this nonsense? Tell me Khushiji" She jerked Khushi making her come out of her monologue.

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