Chapter 5

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Arnav entered the room to find his Di and Khushi trying hard to hide their nervousness. 'Did anyone tell them that they are absolutely bad at hiding it? But what is the need of hiding? God these women are equally crazy and gonne make me also mad. And now of course they will come up with the lamest excuse' He chuckled a little looking at them.

Arnav knew they are not going to reveal anything to him but he decided to ask them calmly so that may be they tell him something themselves.

"Khushi why are you here at this time? And Di, you look worried, is everything ok?" He asked genuinely though he knew he would not get to know anything.

"Yes Chhote everything is fine why would you ask such questions? We were just gossiping and planning to go for shopping tomorrow. Thats it. There is nothing to worry" Anjali answered in a cheerful voice so that Arnav doesn't doubt further.

Arnav nodded at her and looked at Khushi who was looking down at that moment and there he knew she was hiding something. Anjali noticed that and nudged Khushi to make her startle at first but then she composed herself.

She plastered a smile and cheerfully said "Ji Arnavji actually we didn't get time to gossip for so many days so we decided to spend time together and as Diwali is near so we are going for shopping tomorrow. So handover your credit to me tomorrow morning ok." She chuckled lightly to assure Arnav that everything is fine.

Arnav looked at them amazed because they were zero at lying, at least to him. Now whose gonna tell them that Aman had already spilled the tea. He smiled at them and said "Did anyone tell you that you both are disasters at lying?"

They just passed on an unknown look to him.

"What? Don't look at me like that you should have thought twice before taking help from Aman. He told me everything." He said being so proud of his manager cum best friend.

"WHAT?" Both asked or literally shouted.

"Yes darling the plan is ready. Now its just a matter of few days and Arnav Singh Raizada will be finished. Ohh I have waited so long for this day finally my patience is going to pay off."


"Yes I love you baby and don't worry our bad days are over now"


"Ok bye Good night jaan"

She cut the call with an evil smirk on her face and a kind of madness in her eyes.

"The Revenge is On Arnav Singh Raizada. I am waiting for the moment when you will beg in front of me and I'll laugh at your helplessness. At that very moment my revenge will be over. Wait and watch, I will snatch away your everything and you wont even have a hint. Cheers to these last pleasant nights of your life."  She laughed maniacally, had her wine and a determination to destroy her target.

"Amanji told you everything? I mean how... why? This Aman Mathur urgghh" Anjali was frustrated. 'Couldn't his "loyalty" take a back seat for once at least. But no, he has to always be ASR ka Chamcha... huhhh. I am not gonna spare that man.' One could clearly make out from her expression that Aman is going to have a hard time.

Whereas Khushi just looked at Arnav who didn't seem to be that serious. He was calm and smirking at their state. If he would have known the actual reason he would have thrown Sheetal out at this very moment without wasting a second.

She calmed Anjali by holding her hands and gesturing her to stop before she reveals everything in anger and then she asked Arnav "What did Amanji tell you? I mean did he reveal the entire truth to you?"

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