Chapter 9

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Arnav, Khushi and NK were waiting outside the ward where Anjali was being treated. Due to severe blood loss and upon all she was anemic so there were more complications. The doctors assured Arnav that she'll be fine but he was still tensed at the 'what ifs' going on in his head.

On the other hand Nani was still under observation in ICU of the same hospital. Aakash, Payal and Mami were sitting outside the ICU ward. Upon all that NK told him everything that they knew about Sheetal and what happened in the last few days. There was a strange silence and no one even moved from their places.

Just then Aman came running "Where is Anjali? Is it serious? And what did the doctor say?" He bombarded the questions on them whilst perspirating.

Three of them just looked at him wide eyed. He didn't ask about Arnav even when he knew Arnav had more chances of being injured. The way he asked about Anjali, the pain, the worry was clearly seen on his face. They knew there is something more than a friendship.

"Aman she is just unconscious because of blood loss. Dont worry the doctor is treating her and she'll be fine." NK held his shoulder and assured him with a faint smile.

Aman sat down on the bench with his hands on his head. He closed his eyes and thanked God for keeping her safe.

On the other hand Arnav still didn't utter a word. He was continuously looking down with his eyes red and full of worries and questions.

Khushi went and sat besides him. He didn't even flinch by her presence. She knew what he must be going through and she just wanted to hug him tight. She held his shoulder, pressed it lightly and was about to say something when Arnav shoved it off and glared angrily at her.

"" He stretched each and every word gritting his teeth.

"But Arnavji..." She tried to explain

"I said not a word from your mouth Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada." This time his tone was low and more dangerous.

Just then the door of the ward opened and doctor came out. Everybody got up and went near him, Aman being the first.

"Don't worry Mr. Raizada, Ms. Anjali is fine and you can take her home after 1 hour. She has gained her consciousness and is absolutely fine now." He informed and went away.

"Bhai." Aakash came there running.

"What happened Aakash? Is Nani fine?" Arnav asked worryingly.

"Nani has gained consciousness and is fine now." Aakash said happily.

They all smiled happily and Thanked Devi Maiya.

"What did the doctor say? Can we meet her?" Khushi asked

"Only one person can meet at a time and it'll take some days to recover fully as the doses given to her were very heavy there was no chance for her to... but anyways she is fine now and Maa is there with her." Aakash informed

Arnav's blood boiled hearing her dose thing. He so wanted to go and strangle Sheetal. His palms formed a fist and he gritted his teeth in anger.

"How is Di?" Aakash asked

"She is fine and we can take her home in an hour." NK said with a smile.

"Great. I think you all should take Di home and rest for sometime. Its been a very long day. We are here for Nani." Aakash said.

"Its been a long day but the day is not over yet." Arnav said eyeing Khushi, NK and Aman.

They gulped seeing his anger and knew a tornado is waiting for them once they reach home.

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