Chapter 4

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Khushi went to AR in order to serve lunch to Arnav as it is her daily routine but today she had another motive to go there which was to meet Aman. She knew it was not an easy task as Arnav will become suspicious obviously. So she decided to talk to Aman in the lunch time, that would be an easy excuse but only if her Laad Governor allows. He has become such a desperate teenager, he doesnt even eat by himself. He always wants Khushi to feed him. Khushi blushed a little and coming out of her thoughts, she focused on how to talk to Aman.

She went in Arnav's cabin who was engrossed in his work as usual. She let out a sigh and cleared her throat. "Ahem, Arnavji come have your lunch." That was when Arnav noticed her and a huge smile broke on his lips. He closed his laptop and set on the couch where she was serving food. Khushi took out two metal boxes of jalebi.

Arnav raised his eyebrow looking at it and said "Khushi, why have you brought two dabbas? I wont eat so many jalebis"

"Arrey Arnavji, only one is for you, the other one is for Amanji" She replied with a smile hiding her nervousness and praying for no more questions from him.

"Aman? But why? I mean suddenly.. Is there anything special today?" He asked confused because Khushi had never brought something for Aman before.

"Special? No... no nothing special today. Its just I made so many jalebis so I thought to bring some for Amanji also. He also loves jalebi so that's why I thought to..." She answered as the volume of her voice lowered with every word in nervousness.

"Ohh ok. Keep it here. I'll tell the peon to give it." With that he was about to call the peon when Khushi just shouted

"NO.. NO." She stopped him but then she realized what she was doing so composed herself and with a low voice said "I mean Arnavji this is the first time I have made something for Amanji and he is like a family, he is always there for you and our family. Dont you think I myself should go and give it to him? He will be so glad and happy. Haina?"

Arnav raised his eyebrow noticing the change of expression and tone within seconds and suddenly her gesture of warmth for Aman. 'Something is definitely going inside this Sankadevi's pea sized brain' He thought. But nevertheless he agreed "Yes you are right Khushi. You yourself should go and give him jalebis."

Khushi let out a sigh of relief as finally Laad Governor agreed and he wont ask any questions now.

"Ok so I'll be back in a minute" With that she literally ran out of his cabin.

"Well Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada if you think that I dont understand anything then you are still a kid. I know there is something fishy and its not hard for me to find out." He winked with a smirk on his face but little did he know that the matter was not so light as he was thinking.

"Ouch, Cant you see and walk? What...." Anjali stopped when she saw the person who bumped into her.

"I am really sorry Anjali Di. Are you ok? I should have been more careful. I am sorry." Sheetal apologized in her ever so sweet voice.

"Its ok Sheetalji I am fine. I should have also been more careful." She said faking a smile.

She looked at her for a good minute. She was wearing a backless top and a knee length tight skirt with hair open and a fake smile plastered. It seemed as if she met someone very close to her. So in order to find a clue she asked :

"And you look so beautiful today.. Ahhan I guess you went to meet someone?" She said biting her lips and in a teasing tone.

Sheetal lost all the colours of her face and looked at her wide eyed for a second. She was first shocked but then recovering her facial expression smartly she said "No..No Di its nothing like that. I went to my friend's house. It was like a Girls get together so..." and she left from there or literally tried to run from there.

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