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The doctor examined Khushi thoroughly in the room, while all the members were standing outside the room and praying for her. Arnav cursed himself for shouting at her and bringing up all this when he knew that Khushi did all this only for him.

The door creaked open and doctor came outside smiling. Arnav and others immediately went to her and looked at her with questionable gazes.

"How is Khushi? She is fine right? It is just the weakness, right doctor?" Arnav asked worryingly hoping that he is right. Others just kept quite waiting for the doctor to speak.

"She is fine Mr. Raizada but it is not just the weakness." She said smiling meekly.

"What do you mean by that and why are you smiling?" NK asked, a bit annoyed.

Anjali frowned at the smile of doctor and something just clicked her mind. Her mouth flung open in surprise and happiness "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!! Are you serious doctor?" She shouted and jumped in happiness.

"Anjali, what happened? Calm down you are not in a state to jump." Aman tried to calm her still confused about her reaction.

"Yes Ms. Anjali you are right." The doctor said smiling widely now.

Anjali rushed inside the room to meet Khushi without giving answer to the three dumb men looking at her all confused.

"Doctor will you just tell me clearly and stop playing around?" Arnav asked a bit pissed.

The doctor held his shoulder and said "Mr. Raizada, get ready for the new member in your family. You are going to be a father."

Arnav looked at her with wide eyes and mouth slightly open. He didn't know how to react. NK and Aman hugged him sideways and grinned but Arnav didn't move neither his expressions changed.

"What? Is it... is she... am I really.. you mean a baby... " Arnav started blabbering due to overflow of emotions. No doubt there were tears in his eyes and immediately a smile appeared on his face.

"NK, Aman, did you hear? I.. I am going to be a father. Khushi and I are going to be parents. I am going to have my own baby... I." He said with tears in his eyes and was literally freaking out. Aman and NK hugged him happily and congratulated him.

Arnav rushed inside the room to find his sister and wife giggling. What more does he want? Only their happiness and he knew they also want the same for him.

Anjali got up from the bed and hugged his brother tightly. "Congratulations Chhote. I cant believe my Chhote is going to have his own child." She said a little emotionally like it was yesterday when she used to play with his brother and take care of him and now he is going to be a father.

Arnav broke the hug and said "Thank you so much Di and I am sorry I shouted on you earlier."

"Shhh no more sorry-s and thank you-s. It is your moment just live it." She pushed him towards the bed where Khushi was sitting. She smiled shyly, looking at him.

Arnav sat on the bed facing opposite her. He smiled and cupped her cheeks with his hands.

"Thank you" He managed to whisper with a smile.

Khushi understood his overwhelming emotions. He is not the man of words but his definitely expressed much more than he could speak. She held his one hand and caressed it lightly.

She smiled with tears of happiness in her eyes. Her smile grew wider with each passing second as Arnav stared at her lovingly.. expressing his emotions. Yes they didn't need words because some feelings are just meant be experienced rather than putting into words.

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