Chapter 7

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A very very very special thanks to Kiddo_Star for writing this complete update. Just because I was lazy she wrote it all just for me. All the credit goes to her. You are a golden friend Shreya❤❤. I love you😘

Next morning

Arnav left for the meeting early in the morning. He was confident about his success. His team has worked hard to grab this deal and he was sure to succeed. Aakash had been a little skeptical about accompanying Arnav. He had had this weird intuition and all he could relate it to, was the meeting. He just hoped for the meeting to end well. Aakash knew what it meant to his brother and he would want nothing short than his happiness.

"Don't worry, Bhabhi! I'll make sure of it." Aman said into the mobile assuring Khushi of reminding Arnav of his medicines. Workaholic that he is, he had rushed out without his breakfast leaving a worried Khushi behind.

"Who are you talking to, Aman?" Arnav asked from the back. Aman jerked in his place and turned to see Arnav and Aakash standing in front of him with their brows frowned.

"Khushi Bhabhi!" Aman answered casually.

"What the! Why her?" Arnav asked confused.

"Can't help when her husband is crareless enough to leave without his breakfast, forget his medicines and leave his over-worried wife back at home. She ought to call me and order me to take care of you." Aman faked a glare at Arnav and continued, "You are no kid, ASR. Stop being a child and worrying my poor Bhabhi."

Aakash chuckled gaining a glare from Arnav. "Are things ready for the meeting?"

"Yes, ASR!" and with that Aman followed Arnav smirking secretly looking at Arnav's efforts to change the topic.

Arnav entered inside the conference room waiting for the executives to arrive. He was checking everything for the last time in his laptop when his mobile rang on the silent mode. The blinking of his iPhone caught his attention and he took a look at his mobile to scold the person who dared to call him when he had strictly ordered not to.

'Sheetal?' Arnav murmured and thought to himself, 'Why is she calling now when she knows I will be in the meeting in a few minutes?'

His anger shot up at the interruption and picked the call, "What the hell, Sheetal!"

"Arnav..Aarav.. kidnapped.. Aarav.. they.. kidnapped.. help.. please." Sheetal sobbed and gagged on the other end scaring Arnav.

"What is it, Sheetal? Be clear. Who kidnapped Aarav? Where is he?" Arnav threw questions getting worried for Aarav's safety. A boy of six was kidnapped. A trial once and then success the other time. "ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!" Arnav yelled when Sheetal did not answer.

"I don't know where they are taking him, Arnav. I don't know who they are. I am.. follow.. ing.. them." Sheetal cried.

"Okay! Calm down! Relax! Aarav is going to be fine. Now, listen, what's app me your live location. I'll follow you with the cops." Arnav suggested.

"NOOO!" Sheetal screamed confusing Arnav.

"What the!"

"Arnav, I.. I can't.. ri.. sk.. risk.."

"Stop crying, Sheetal. It is not going to help. Just be clear, dammit." Arnav said getting ready with his car keys wrapped in his fingers.

"I can't risk Aarav's life, Arnav. What if.. what if they get to know of the cops? What if they harm Aarav? Please don't tell the cops. I can't lose him. Please." Sheetal sniffed.

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