ii. hurry, hurry, hurry

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Red facing blue, devils versus witches, Sunnyvale against Shadyside, you name it. So grossed with each other they couldn't even blend with the other school.

Carrie never understood that hatred relationship between both sides of town. They weren't so different between each other and both sides had shitty people but out of everyone she had met, Shadyside had the least amount of idiots.

"Our Sunnyvale devils and your Shadyside witches throwing down some good old American football. Instead I find myself here, as a husband, a parent, as a neighbor. And, yes, mayor of Sunnyvale."

Holding tight her red and white pompoms, Carrie furrowed her eyebrows when she saw no one else from the cheer team with them. They only had to do one thing! —she thought.

With a sigh, she shifted her weight on her feet, darting her attention again to the mayor mourning for the loss of Heather Watkins.

Carrie was standing next to Sam, who was too engrossed with Peter to advert what was happening around her, like her ex girlfriend staring at her. Carrie noticed it, offering Deena a tight smile and a small wave with her right hand.

"Psst. Sam!" Carrie whispered to her. "Could you like, be ready for the game and have your fucking poms?" The blonde took her face out of her boyfriend's neck and stared at Carrie.

"Jeez, captain." Sam mumbled, rolling her eyes playfully. She gave Peter a last look and started walking to the school.

Peter smirked and stood next to Carrie. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Are you coming tonight?" Carrie shook her head. "Why?"


People started passing around yellow lanterns, Carrie grabbed one and took a step forward, ignoring Peter beside her and the arrival of Ben.

"Hey Walsh."

"Hey." Carrie answered without sparing him a look.

Soon after, Officer Nick Goode started giving his speech on some bullshit about leave the past in the past, light and darkness and something else Carrie didn't catch on.

Peter scoffed. "Yeah! What we should do is light a fuse and burn down Shittyside." Carrie turned around.

"We're in a vigil idiot!"

"What did you say?"

"I said it ain't a tragedy when it happens every week." Peter turned to his side and faced a Shadyside student. Carrie rolled her eyes at him. "It's a joke."

"Get em, bro." Ben smacked Peter's shoulder and smirked.

"Say that again motherfucker."

Both Sunnyvale and Shadyside merged in a fight, turning the football field purple.

A circle in the middle of the field in where Peter, Ben and two Shadyside teenagers started fighting each other in order to defend their side (or their pride, at this moment Carrie couldn't tell the difference).

She was quickly grabbed back by one of her classmates and looked horrified to the fight taking action in front of her. Eyes grew bigger at the sight of the blond teenager dressed as a witch came running and broke a wooden stick in half right in Peter's back.

Carrie giggled a little, he deserved it. But quickly shut up when she saw Peter running after Simon. The blonde turned around so she could leave the freak show she was staring at, but someone slightly pushed her, making her back hit someone's body and later the floor.

Still, she didn't knew if she preferred to be laying there, face sprinted with someone else's blood, or be sitting on the passenger seat of Officer Goode's police car, waiting for the red light to turn green so she could finally arrive home.

"In my time , sunnyvalers..."

"It all started in your time." Carrie cutted him, crossing her arms while looking through the window. "You can save this speech for tomorrow's morning broadcast or for the next murder."

"Your arrival to Sunnyvale made you a little aggressive, Caroline." The blonde rolled her eyes at the cop. "Any news about your parents?"

"Just that their daughter is all alone in killertown and their police friend is in charge of her." Carrie answered. Officer Goode snorted a laugh and shook his head.

"Heather's murderer is already dead, Caroline. There's nothing to worry about." The car radio started making a noise and Nick Goode grabbed the black speaker,

"Officer Goode, here."

"There was an accident on the route that leads to Shadyside..." Carrie rose her eyebrows and looked at him.

"I got it."


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