008. " you look so hot with that hair "

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I took a deep breath as I stared at the blank door infront of me.

Re-reading the address that Patty had given me, trying to make sure that I wasn't at the wrong house.

God, that would be even more embarrassing than the situation already was.

I closed my eyes before knocking on the door and wrapping my arms around my chest, trying to block out the weird feeling in my stomach.

"Wha- Kelsey?" Brick opened the door wider for him to get a full view of me standing in his driveway.

"Hi?" I was about to speak again but was suddenly grabbed and pulled into into a hug.

Okay, was not expecting that.

"What are you doing here?" His eyebrows raised, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Since you were feeling upset earlier... I decided to come and watch the film with you. Only because i want to see it again."


"Fuck off"

"Love you really. Come in" The tall male ushered her inside after the small bicker and decided to play the film for both of them.

I was starting to become concerned. Like, deeply concerned. With myself, but more with the boy sitting next to me.

Brick Armstrong with his natural, god-like hair.

God knows why, but I spent about half an hour just staring at his hair, while he watched the film that I had so desperately begged him to watch.

I can't do this. His hair. For fuck sakes! I swear to God he did something with his hair! I glare at Brick's oh-so-perfect hair in irritation, huffing to myself.

It looks fucking good today, why?

My only concern about his hair was the fact that it looked too hot on him. And it bothered me so much because somehow, his hair seemed to attract most of the girls around him. Magnolia... and she knew Patty definitely had a thing for him. Along with half the girls at their school.

Maybe, I had a thing for guys with hot hair.

Why did he of all people have to get good hair?

Brick looked over at me and stared in confusion, I was staring at him with such intensity that it kind of worried him.

He waited for a few moments for me to say something, but I don't even move. He backed away a little and waved a hand infront of my face.

"Hey Kels. Is there something wrong with my face? Hey, you look kinda ugly right now." No replies, no retorts, no comebacks. "Oi, are you even listening?"

I couldn't listen to him, more like, I was just too concentrated on his hair that I didn't even notice that he was talking directly to me, even though I was sitting right beside him.

"Kels, are you okay? Holy- Are you mad at me? Kelsey! Talk to me! You're kinda creeping me out..." Brick attempted many times to get me to talk, but I didn't say a word.

He was slowly starting to think that I hated him and in an instant, Brick began to panic. Yes, the Brick Armstrong was panicking.

Maybe he thought he had upset me in the past half an hour. We hadn't really spoken as he was so wrapped up in the film. Surely, he knew I couldn't have been pissed off at him for not talking to me in the space of 30 minutes! I hoped.

He grabbed my shoulders and spoke in a harsh whisper,

"Okay! Kels! I'm sorry for what I've done! Okay? I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry! I'll take you somewhere as payment! I'll do whatever you want! Just please tell me what the fucks up!"

He managed to catch his dogs attention yet, I still wasnt listening and I still was not answering, by now, he was probably about to lose his mind.

I couldn't even control myslef anymore.

The disheartened boy then finally gave a defeated sigh and was about to give up until I spoke up, rather-


Okay. Shit. I'm in deep shit. Thanks Kelsey, now I'm going to dig a hole and die in there. Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome.

Brick only stared, bewildered at what I just said and he mentally face palmed himself, inwardly screaming at his own stupidity and partly mine, 'this little- I swear she's messing with me.'

He laughed at how out of character I seemed to be.

He gave me a little pat on the head while teasing me, "Are you also going to tell me that you want to fuck me because of how hot I am with my sexy hair?"

I couldn't even form any words. So many questions and negative statements were running through my head, I didn't even know where to start.

"N-No! Go away! I was talking about the guy in the film! Ugh, your hair sucks!" I retort, eyes searching for anything except his face to stare at.

"Sure. Come here, loser". His arms stretched out towards my smaller body as I was prectically dragged onto his lap.

I still couldn't believe that I was acting this way. I never acted this way around anyone... I must had drank too much mountain dew or something.

"Uh...are you...okay? You seem a little out of it."

"Yeah. I'm fine" My breathing hitched, realising how close our faces actually were.

Brick averted his gaze, looking at the ground for a few moments, before looking back to me. He leaned forward and raised his hands to cup my face. My face instantly flushed with the sudden contact surprising me. He closed his eyes and leaned towards me. He brought his lips close to mine, hesitating a bit, then softly pressing his warm lips on mine.

I had to admit, I was waiting for this moment for a while, and I was definitely going to take advantage of it. I didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss, roughly returning his kiss with ten times the fervour. Brick, not expecting such a reaction, toppled over, letting go of my face, his back hitting the couch softly.

I stopped for a moment, searching his face for something but I wasn't sure what I was searching for. As much as I was caught up in the moment, I shouldn't have kissed him back. Especially after what Patty had told me the other day.

"Uhm. You're missing the best part" I breathed, removing my body from his lap.

This film had suddenly become a lot more interesting.

𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥, brick armstrong Where stories live. Discover now