026. " and it really hurt "

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Brick grinned, wrapping his arms around the smaller girl's waist and pulling her into his lap. Kelsey let out a little yelp in surprise, dropping her book and hands quickly moving to place her hands over Bricks.


"Kels, you've been studying for ages. Take a breather will you?" He said.

She turned her head to face him in anger but was stopped when he swiftly kissed her. The female's hand moved to his chest, giving a pathetic attempt to push him away. Brick smirked into the kiss, large hand moving to her back to push her closer to him.

"Go away, I'm trying to study!" She whined, trying to move her body back around but was held in place by Brick's arms.

The pair had not talked about their relationship status since Kelsey had caught Peter cheating and they made up the plan to post a certain picture on Instagram. They had often shared small kisses when others weren't looking and more or less acted like a couple but never confirmed it.

"Please, I just wanna pass my trig exam" Kelsey whined again, trying to push her smaller body off of Brick's.

"Fine. Only because you're cute"

After a few minutes of Kelsey trying to focus on numbers and whatever the fuck maths was about, Brick again grew bored and yearned for attention.

Kelsey had a pencil between her eyebrows with her tongue sticking out in concentration. Leaning over to the couch, Brick grabbed and tossed a pillow in Kelsey's direction in attempt to get her to look at him. It landed flat on her face.

Unfortunately, the pencil dug into her skin and as she turned to glare at Brick, a small red spot appeared between her eyebrows.

His lips parted in an inaudible gasp before he drew his hands up to his lips, trying to hide his loud laugh.

"You're such a dick!" She groaned, trying to throw the pillow back at him but failed miserably as he dodged it.

"It's not my fault your head is so fat!" He grabbed her head with both hands and studied her face, rubbing the inflicted spot with his thumb. He swore it was starting to swell and bruise. "Kels! It's bruising up! You're going to die!"

"Your fingers are so cold!" She snickered at him. "And if you do that, it'll start hurting more."

"This is no laughing matter! You could practically die!"

"Brick stop being so dramatic, Jesus Christ"

"It's not my fault you could die!" He dramatically whined, flinging his arms in the air.

"You literally threw the pillow at me!"

The brunette made his way to the couch, quickly motioning her over. She plopped herself down on the ground in front of him and tilted her head a bit back, into his lap. He chuckled and lightly pinched her cheeks, eliciting a soft whimper from the Kelsey.

"That hurts too," she pouted.

He laughed wholeheartedly. "Kels, why are you so cute?"

"Because I'm Kelsey" She turned around to look up at him.

"Haha, very funny."

He turned her back around, then combed his delicate fingers slowly through his hair. She raised her eyebrow at him but beckoned him to do it again. The pair were so quiet, except for the occasional 'ow' that left Kelsey's mouth whenever Brick's fingers got stuck in a few tangles.

"Why are you trying to kill me" She huffed.

"You're hurting me a lot today, Brick."

"I am not!"

She could even sense the look of horror on his face when she said that, and it made her grin.

"Ah, that's what they all sa-- okay, do it like that again!"

He laughed at her reaction to his touch.

"Stop laughing!" she scolded, harshly slapping his leg.

"Look at that! You're the one who's trying to kill me now."

"You're the one who hurt me first!"

Brick stopped moving his fingers. "Not on purpose."

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "Okay, now hurry up and move your hands."

After Brick had still not moved his hands, she gave his leg another slap and waited for him to continue.

"Brick Armstrong, you're lame."

That got him.

He pouted, taking his fingers out of her hair. "I'm not lame, I promise!"

"Then play with my hair," Kelsey said.

"Jeez, Kels. Does it really feel that nice?"


"Am I still lame?"


He pressed a finger to the forming bruise between her eyes.

"Ow! Brick! You're such a bully!" She cried, covering her face with her dainty hands.

Immediately Brick picked up the girl and threw her over his shoulder, gaining a few squeals and hits from her. He started spinning on the spot, laughs erupting from his mouth as he heard the squeals from behind him getting louder.

"Brick fucking Armstrong! I will kill you" She screamed, face flustered once Brick stopped and put her down in front of him.

"You couldn't even if you wanted to" He replied cockily, placing a small kiss upon the red mark that was still between her eyebrows.

𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥, brick armstrong Where stories live. Discover now