Chapter 28

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     Coming out of the shower, I quickly dry my hair and get changed into Gianluca's black joggers—from when I first arrived and into his ADCD black t-shirt. Walking out of the washroom, I make my way towards his nice and comfy bed.

     Flopping down on it, I grab my black square glasses and the television remote while opening the T.V. Switching from the sports channel, I click from Netflix and wait for the screen to load up before I click on 'Continue Watching' and head for Gossip Girl. I'm only at season five. I'm almost done. I can't wait to find out who Gossip Girl is! My money is on Dan Humphrey while the girls think I'm wrong. Isabella thinks its Jenny—Dan's little sister, Amanda thinks it's Vanessa and Sarah thinks its Georgina.

     A ding from my phone stops me from hitting the play button. A text message comes from the group chat with the girls; the title being 'Girls club'.


     I chuckle and quickly type back, forgetting that they were coming over to watch the show.

Lol. Ok. Ok. Calm your shits! Hurry your flat ass!! -me

HEY! I DO HAVE AN ASS! -Isabella


      After I sent that text, there's a knock on the door and I run towards it. Swinging it open, the girls stand there with a cart full of food from the restaurant. Laughing at them, I let them in and close the door behind them. "Just like old times." I chuckle back at the old memories of them running in my room with trays full of food as we sat o my bed and watched Gossip Girl.

     "Better believe it!" Sarah says chuckling.

     "Okay, why the hell are we standing?! We've got a show to watch! Including the hot Chuck Bass and Nate Archibald! Let's move!" Isabella orders, running over to the bed, sitting down in the middle.

     We laugh at her sudden outburst and jump on the bed; practically landing on each other. I get to my usual spot on the right side, Isabella in the middle and Sarah on the left. Amanda grabs the cart of food, setting it next to me as she lies down towards the end of the bed.

     "Nia can I have your pillow?" Amanda asks. I nod my head and throw her my pillow. She lies down on her stomach, resting the pillow on the railing at the end of the bed, putting her feet between Isabella and Sarah. She grabs the remote and turns back to us. "You guys settled? We can start?"

     "It's you who's been taking forever! So, shut the fuck up and press play woman!" Isabella yells at her making us laugh at her over dramatic state. Amanda shakes her head and presses play. We watch in silence—well for the most of it as we screamed when Chuck and Blair had their moments, crying that they can't be together, or gasping at the plot twists.


     After watching five episodes of Gossip Girl and deciding we needed a mental break, I turn off the television and huff out in annoyance. We finished the tray of food and for some reason the girls want to talk—or catch up. One of those two.

     I understand that I've been away for a month but nothing major could have happened when I was gone. Nothing burned down. No one died. My dad would have told me, but in some weird way it does feel good to just sit-down and let everything out. I can't remember the last time the four of us did this. It seemed that whenever we did, there's always some type of mafia problem attached to it.

     "So, Nia, what's up with you and Luca?" Amanda calls as I walk out of the washroom.

     I'm sitting at the end of the bed as she take my spot next to Isabella. "What's up with you stealing my spot! Spot stealer!" I shout at her as a smile stretches across my face. I point my index finger at her.

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