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Life is really so complicated.  There are several ways how life is perceived; the world seems to be so beautiful, so calm, and so peaceful, especially to two people who found love; or it may be full of spices, sweet and bitter; or heaven and hell, or bright/sunny and dark/rainy.  

To a person who has been sheltered all her life, Sarah never imagines that her life will be complicated and so painful.  Her parents put her inside an aquarium, full of beautiful things, everything given her; she was treated like a real princess.  They never let any bad news reached her so all the while; Sarah thinks her world is all full of roses; like a fairy tale; where everyone is kind and understanding.  She is adored and put into a very high pedestal - the one and only Popstar Princess in the music world. She will discover  that what the real world is.  Is she ready?

On the other side of the world, Gerald learned at an early age how complicated life is.  When their parents separated, he took over the responsibilities of looking after his mother and younger brother.  He was only 14 then, when he witnessed how the beautiful world he was in collapsed.  He could not understand why life is so unfair to them.  He looked at reasons why it happens; what went wrong; and so many questions that no one can help him answered.

The two people from different world will meet, their path will cross and then the story begins.

"A time for us

Someday there'll be

When chains are torn

By courage born of a love that's free


A time when dreams

So long denied

Can flourish as we unveil the love we now must hide

A time for us at last to see

 A life worthwhile for you and me

And with our love through tears and thorns

We will endure as we pass surely through every storm


A time for us someday there'll be

A new world, a world of shining hope for you and me


A TIME FOR USTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon